Chapter 4

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        I walked up to the man behind a glass window with a hole in it. "May I have one ticket to the Devil Inside please?" I ask him. "Sure," He murmurs. I could barley understand him but I kind of made out the word of what he said. This little slot in the desk prints out a ticket and he rips it. I nod once and give a conferring smile as I hand him my exact change and he hands me the ticket. I shove my hands into my jacket that I always wear and trudge on over to open the door into the movie theatre. I walk slowly in kicking at the blue and black carpet and when I bump into a ticket booth I look up fast. "Your ticket mister." The man tells me. I pull off the hood of jacket to reveal my long light brown hair. I look at him with that look that basically asks him if he is serious. "Sorry," He pauses. "I meant miss." "Yeah you better have." I say under my breath handing him the ticket. He rips it in half and hands it back to me. "Enjoy your movie." He says as I walk away. I look back at him and roll my eyes. I look back at where I was walking and just keep walking forward. I walk up to the second floor and into the third room on the left. It had two huge doors that pushed open. I pushed the door on the left open and walked in. Getting together enough strength to get to the seats I noticed a familiar face in the dark. They kept eating their popcorn not seeing who had walked in. I walk up a few steps to notice that the face was of the man that I had been waiting to see for days now. My face lit up in happiness. I walk up the stairs and into the row behind the guy. I put my feet up on top of his seat hoping he will turn around to tell me to get my feet off his chair and then he will notice it is me. I wait patiently for him to turn around and yell at me. I got a little impatient and started kicking his chair. He just kept looking forward as if nothing is happening. The guy gets up and moves one chair to the left. Pulling out my hair because of how polite he is that he doesn't yell at me, I realized that he was just being a nice person. You could tell he was sweet. I walked down my row and into his row sitting next to him. I looked at him and asked, "Is this seat taken?" I was proud of that casual question. "Nope it's all yours." He says and then looks back at the screen. I sigh. "Hey you are that guy that helped me when your girlfriend threw coffee on me!" I say stuttering on the word "girlfriend." "Oh yeah you are that girl." He says. I was in relief that he remembered me. "Do you watch these movies that often?" "No not often. When ever I am with Nicole, my girlfriend," I swallow hard when he said girlfriend. "We never watch these movies. She is really christian and doesn't like anything to do with the devil so on my free time at work I come here to watch devil movies." "Cool, me too." Damn it! I just lied to him. Now I have to find a job. "Where do you work?" He asks me. Pretend not to here him, "Oh the movie is starting." The lights dim and the movie starts. I still didn't know his name.

          The whole audience was screaming and yelling at the movie, actually paying attention, while I just sat trying to think of ways to ask for his number. There is the straight forward one, "Can I have your number?" There is the sneaky one where you take his phone and sneak my number into his phone then text myself. There is the professional one, "Why darling little boy, may I please have your cellular device number?" Which would only work if I was going for smart, which I am not. There is also the I lost my phone one, "Excuse me can I use your phone to call my phone. I lost it!" Then when it calls, you can take the number that called you and save it.

             "What is your name?" I lean over to ask him. "Oh hey my name is Matt." Matt was the cutest name I have ever heard. "All hot boys names are Matt." I say whispering to myself. I realized that I had said that out load and I look over to see if he heard that and by the smirk on his face I could tell that he did. Luckily he didn't move away from me. I looked back at the movie so embarrassed over what I said.\

             After the movie was over I walked out the room, where it held the movie, and slowly moving towards the restroom. Matt grabbed onto my forearm and I turned around. "What's your number? Maybe we can have coffee sometime that doesn't spill on you." I bit my bottom lip and giggle to myself hoping my blushing didn't show through. I gave him my number and tightened every muscle in my body to be able to contain myself until he walked around the corner. When he finally walked around the corner and down the stairs I jumped on top of the bench and started dancing. All the workers stared at me and I said, "Don't judge me! I just got a cute boys number!" This really nerdy boy sweeping up dirt walks past. He had huge prescription glasses on and was wearing a uniform to show that he worked at the movies. He had a really curly afro and many pimples on his face. He looks up to me and says, "I never gave you my number." He finishes his sentence with his mouth wide open and his glasses on the edge of his nose. I had nothing to say I just stared into his eyes and lifted up my hand. I put my hand on his pimply face and pushed it away from me. I continued dancing. I could dance for life. I wish I was always this happy.

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