The Beginning

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I was simply walking in the mall with my friends, after we saw 'The Hobbit, an Unexpected Journey' in 3D and we were drinking some chocolate milkshake, when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

-?-:Hey Raven!

I turn around and see it was Chris McLean,  an old friend.

me:Oh, hey Chris! 'Sup?
Joana:You know Chris McLean?
Candy:He is sooo hot!
Chris:Yeah...Well I kinda need a favour...A big one...
me:Hmm, lemme guess...It's to do with the Total Drama...something?
me:And you need me for...What, exactly?
me:And how, exactly, can I make drama?
Chris:You are smart, you'll find something!
me:I don't want to compete, Chris. I don't want the money. You know very well I'm not a competitive person.
Chris:Okay, fine, you can be something like...The extra contestant. You can help whatever team you want, have proper food, and you'll have your personal room in the first class.
me:First class? We are going to be on a plane?
Chris:Total Drama World Tour! Rings a bell?
me:We will be visiting different countries? Epic! If we stay at least one day without a challange in each country, then I'm in!
Chris:You are a life saviour!
me:What can I say, Chris, you sure know how to charm a girl.
Chris:Then let's get you home to pack, 'cause we'll leave soon!
me:Adieu, mes amis!

-The bus arrives-

Chris:Welcome to Total Drama, folks! Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, LeShawna, Lindsey, Owen, DJ and Harold!
DJ:*Hugging a whimpering Owen* He's afraid of flying, remember?
Harold:Aerophobia,from the latin, Aeronausophobia, the fear of air sickness.
Noah:Keep up the fascinating facts and I'm going to be aeronausia all over you.
Chris:And returning favourites, Noah, Cody and...
Ezekiel:Yo yo yooo, this year's winner is in the house!...Bus...! I mean...Runwayyyy! ....Where's the plane, ay?
Izzy:I know, right? Let's fly- WOHOO!

Izzy jumps on him, making them both fall to the ground.

Chris:Yep, Izzy is back. Also, returning this season, Tyler, and the co-host of the Total Drama Aftermath, Bridgette!

...And they both fell too.

Ezekiel:Yo, Chris, you forgot to introduce me!
Chris:Ehh...and Ezekiel. And now, to mix things up and to make it all fresh, we're having 3 new competitors! : He's an honorable student, with a diplomat for a dad, and an amazing ability to charm the pants of most species, Alejandro!
Alejandro:Perhaps, I could assist.
Bridgette:*nervous* I-I-I have a boyfriend!
Alejandro:And amigos, please *holding hand to help to guys up* Allow me *helps them up*
Tyler:I like girls!

Smart. Careful not to break your frail masculinity, my friend. If you even have one, that is.

Chris:And...She is a sugar addicted superfan, with 16 Total Drama Blogs, Sierra!

Sorry, what now? SIX and TEN TD blogs?! How in the world can anyone manage so many blogs at once?! That's some kind of magic for sure. I can barely manage my 2 blogs on Tumblr! Teach me, master!

Sierra:Oh my Gosh! I love you guys! And this is the greatest thing that ever happened in my life! *fangirling* And Oh My Gosh, Cody! I've dreamt of this moment all my life!

Latin Blood Wins~Total Drama World Tour Alejandro LSWhere stories live. Discover now