Chapter 11 (Maybe...)

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I sat the kitchen table my hands lightly gripping a water bottle. Lee was due home any minute now.

As soon as I'd seen the positive sign I'd cried my eyes out. After I finished crying I bought five more test and as each one turned positive my throat grew thicker with tears and devastation.

Sorrow and fear cursed through me. I grabbed the bottle and took a sip out of it before suddenly jumping to my feet and throwing the bottle at the window my hands trembling.


I tensed not expecting to hear him so suddenly. I turned and laid my hands on the counter keeping my head down.

"Ambria whats wrong? Talk to me."

I heard the thud as he dropped his bag and started to walk to me. He grabbed my arms and turned me around to face him.

I pressed my face against his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Ambria come on your worrying me." He said gently

I grasped the back of his shirt tight in my hands. "Im pregnant." I whispered.

He instantly stiffened then hugged me tighter. "I thought we were being careful."

"Well apparently not." I snapped trying to push him away.

"Im sorry calm down, you know what I meant."

I relaxed against him and then started to cry again.

"I know angel. Come on lay down and I'll call the pack doctor alright."

He lead my upstairs and made sure I was comfortable in bed before calling the pack doctor. He held my hand as we waited and rubbed my stomach soothingly.

When the doctor arrived she took some blood samples and did a physical.

She sighed and packed her things back in her bag. "I want you to be realistic about this and I don't want you to get your hopes up."

Lee rubbed my arms and hugged me closer to his chest.

"The chances of the fetus making it to full term are low. Lee you need to make sure she is stress free as possible and that she's not over working her body. Sleep as much as you can and eat right. I'll be coming every week to check on you alright. "

Lee lead the doctor out. When he came back he slid into bed with me and held me. We didn't say anything and we didn't have too.


Each week that passed was a victory. A step closer that gave me room to breath. I stayed in bed the majority of the time but my family were starting to get concerned. My mom had managed to convice Lee to let her in the house a week ago and she'd cooed over me and begged for me to tell her what was wrong. She left disappointed.

Lee had explained I wasn't feeling well and didn't want any visitors. After a month they grew angry. But i couldn't tell them I was pregnant when there was such a high chance this baby wouldn't make it. They didn't know about the first baby and I wasn't ever going to tell them. Well not till I was ready.

When I started getting sick Lee deiced it would be safer if we moved to the castle were the royal doctors could monitor me. We left without a good bye.

As Lee was getting me settled into his old room I laughed at all the things he'd kept. His sister ruled now as queen and knew what was going on. She promised to keep quiet for our sake's.

Lee had gone to get me food and I managed to find a old photo album. Giggles burst from me at all the picture of me and Lee. There were picture starting when I was 2 all the way till I was 13. I smiled a picture of Lee with his hair all kinds of crazy. Obviously he'd let me play with putting clips and hair bow all in it.

There was another picture of me learning how to ride a bike Lee's worried face in the background. Forever the worrier.

Suddenly I became nauseated and I ran to the bathroom and quickly lost my lunch. When I was finished I jumped surprised when Lee was there to help me up. I brushed me teeth twice and when I was done Lee thought it would be a good idea for me to have a bath. Forever sleeply I agreed and watched as he made it bubbly and added salts in.

When I sinked into the warm lavender smelling water I sighed and gave my mate a smile. He grinned and kissed my forehead before rising.

"I have to go to a meeting so when your done just call me through the link. If you try to get out this tub without help I will be furious understand."

"Yes sir!" I pouted making him roll his eyes.

I yawned and leaned my head back letting the water sooth me. I placed my hands over my slightly large stomach and let my worries go.

I dreamed I was crying. I was standing in the garden planting another flower next to the grave of my first child.

"It'll be okay." Dream Lee whispered rubbing my back.

"You were just never meant to be a mother."

I came awake with a jerk and looked into Lee's concerned face. He helped me out the tube and dried me off. when I was dressed and back in bed I told him about my dream. He said nothing and I didn't need for him to.


5 Months Later

I allowed myself a little hope as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was now eight months pregnant and huge. My family still didn't know what was going expect for my mom. My brother had called and said some hurtful things to me telling me how I was worrying and hurting every one. He even made it a point to tell me what a bad friend I'd been to miss the birth of Blaze's and Lilly's child.

I let him get all his anger out before telling him I loved him and hanging up.

When Lee was done with work he took me out side and we got in the pool. He let me float around while he held me. I grew sleepy and Lee chuckled telling me it was fine and that I could sleep he wouldn't let me drown.

Lee woke me up when he deemed we'd stayed in the water long enough. He carried me to our room and dried me off and pulled new clothes on me.

I slept for the rest of the day.

"Hey. Hey fatty wake up."

I frowned and swatted as something poked my cheek.

"Come on cupcake wake up."

I groaned and opened my eyes to see Blaze. A smile spread across my face and I quickly reached up to hug him. He chuckled and hugged me back before placing one of his hands against my beach ball stomach.

"When Lee told me you were pregnant I couldn't believe him but gah Cupake your huge."

"Thanks I guess." I laughed quietly.

He suddenly went serious and grabbed my hand. "Lee also told me about the other baby. I'm so sorry you had to go through that Ambria. You should have told me I would have been there."

I shook my head my eyes filling with tears. "It was something me and Lee needed to do togeather."

He nodded and sighed. "You have everyone at home worried about you."

"I think they'll understand if you explain it to them. In fact I know they will and they'll be here supporting you wither things go down hill or not."

I gave a strained smile and nodded.

"Hey you want to see my son?" Blaze perked up his eyes brighting.

Giving a real smile I nodded squeezing his hand. He got up and left but quickly returned with Lilly, Lyra, and a blue bundle.

I suddenly saw how old Blaze looked. He didn't look like a kid anymore he looked like an adult. He looked like a dad. He hovered around Lilly worriedly as Lilly came forward.

Lilly gave me a big smile and lowered her son into my waiting arms.

I awed as the little blew a bubble and wave his little fist in the air. A pang of loss filled me as I realized my baby would have been this small. It would have been blowing bubbles and looked up at me with such innocence.

I prayed the baby inside me would get that chance.

"He's amazing guys." I smiled handed him back to his mother.

"His names Max." Blaze stated proudly.

I smiled and allowed him to sit back down beside me his hand grasping mine tighlty.

"Lee said you need as much sleep as possible so we'll talk to at dinner alright?" Blaze said squezzing my hand. I nodded and he kissed my cheek as did Lilly. As they left Lyra stared at me intently before leaving without a word.

I was amazed she was here without her brothers hovering around her. I'd never seen her without them near or at least in the same building. It was like it was as if it was impossible for them to not be near Lyra.

Lee entered the room a steaming cup in his hand. "Hey sugar muffin." I grinned widely.

He rolled his eyes at me and help me sit up all the way before placing the cup in my cool hands. "Your brother called again. I'm going to end strangling that pup." He growled.

I laughed and ran a hand along his arm making him sit down beside me. "Did you enjoy your visit?" He asked rubbing my belly making our little joy kick against his hand. A smile of awe and happiness tilted his lips making me smile in return.

He played with the baby as I finished my cup, his hand pressing at different parts of my belly causing our pup to kick or hit where ever Lee's hand rested.

"Yes it was a nice surprise. Why are they here though."

"Well Lyra has been training but she needs to start training with the Queen. Blaze wanted to make sure she arrived safe but he wasn't willingly to live Lilly or his pup behind."

Lee leaned down and laid a soft kiss on my belly before pulling me down the bed and covering me up.

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