Director David

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"This seat taken?" Tony asked giving her his famous smile.

"No." She said not looking up from her book.

He sat down. "So, what brings you to the Tel-Avi Airport?"

"Business." She responded not looking up.

"Ah same. I'm on my way back home now. Where are you going?" He didn't know why but he liked this girl. He seemed drawn to her. She had beautiful tan skin and long dark hair. And her lack of interest only made him more interested.

"Washington." She sighed looking up. This man clearly was not going to leave her alone. She only prayed that he wasn't going on the same flight.

"Same!" Tony smiled. "So, what's your business there?"

"None of yours." She responded narrowing her eyes.

"Now boarding the flight to Washington." The announcer said. "Now boarding the flight to Washington."

She got up and went to board faster than Tony could stand. She was one of the first on the plane, he was one of the last. She was sitting in her seat looking out the window when she felt someone next to her.

"Well look who I get as a plane partner!" Tony said happily sitting down. She sighed this was going to be a long flight with some strange man who wanted in her pants. "Listen I'm sorry if I may be coming off a bit, I don't know strong, but it's just because I get really nervous around beautiful girls." Tony said flashing puppy dog eyes.

Well maybe this flight wouldn't be that bad. She was lonely. "It is alright. I apologize for being so, rude, to you." She smiled back. "It has been a long few months for me."

"I love your accent." He smiled and so did she.

"Thank you?"

"Special Agent Tony DiNozzo." He filled in shaking her hand.

"Ziva." She smiled.

"Ziva what?"

"It is not important." She said smiling. "So, Special Agent DiNozzo, what do you do?"

"Not important." He smiled. "You?"

"I inherited my fathers business when he died." She said sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Tony said putting his hand on hers.

"Do not be." She took a deep breath. "Well if we can not talk about our jobs, what may we talk about?"

Tony thought a moment. "You like movies?"

"I like The Sound of Music."

So they sat and talked the entire plane ride resting a little when night fell. When they were existing the plane Tony stopped her before she left. "Listen, I know your only here on work and may not be here long, but if you would like, I have been dying to get lunch or dinner with you. Tonight?" He asked holding her arm.

Ziva thought for a moment. This was something that she should not be doing, but than again it was Tony, "I would love to get dinner with you." She took out her bookmark and a pen, she scribbled her hotel and phone number on it. As well as when he should pick her up. "See you then." She smiled walking away.

Tony walked into work the next day with a large smile.

"What are you smiling about, Tony?" McGee asked from his desk.

"I met a girl on the plane ride back." Tony said putting his bag down and sitting. "And God is she beautiful. We had dinner last night... And desert at my place." He said wagging his eyebrows.

"What's her name, Bert?" Kate asked.

"Very funny, you know what, because of that you don't get to know." Tony said.

"Oh thank God. I did not want to hear about another one night stand." Kate said going to work.

"She's not a one night stand." Tony said defensively.

"Oh, so she's your wife now?" McGee asked.

"I don't know. Maybe one day. If I'm lucky." Tony answered. Kate just rolled her eyes.

"What we got on her, McGee?" Gibbs asked coming around the corner.

"She's the new director of Mossad. She took the job after her brother, Ari, shot and killed her father. Ari had some mental problems." McGee answered.

"What happened to the brother?" Kate asked.

"She killed him. Other wise he would have become the new director and killed her. She had a sister and mom who got killed in a bomb when she was young." McGee finished.

"God, I can't imagine having to kill a sibling. She must be pretty broken." Kate said. "Or a complete physco killer."

"Ari, Ari, that sounds familiar. Didn't we deal with an Ari?" Tony asked.

"He was in Washington a few years ago. He wasn't in his right mind. She was sent by her father to retrieve him before he could do anything stupid. For rehabilitation they said." McGee answered.

"And when's this Mossad Ninja gonna get here?" Tony asked.

The elevator dinged. "Now, DiNozzo." Gibbs answered. They all stood up to welcome the Mossad Directer except Tony who stayed at his desk. Jen came down the stairs and stood with them.

She walked into the room with a steely face. Her hair was up in a tight ponytail. She had on combat boots with a knife sticking out of each. Her cargo pants had pockets full of weapons. Her tight back shirt had a brown leather jacket over it. The gun on her hip stuck out. She had two male Mossad agents walking behind her.

Ziva looked at those who were standing not noticing Tony. "I am Director Ziva David of Mossad. I have come to talk about an interagency collaboration."

"Ziva?!" Tony stood up to hug her. The two agents behind her grabbed their guns and pointed them at Tony. Ziva pulled a knife from her belt and put it at his throat. The NCIS team took out their guns. Kate and McGee pointing at the agents and Gibbs pointing at Ziva.

"Tony?" She asked not lowering her knife.

"So this is the job you inherited from your dad." Tony gulped.

Ziva put her knife down. She looked at the gun pointed at her and her agents. "Put. Them. Down." She ordered. Her agents lowered their guns and so did NCIS.

"Ziva, it is nice to see you again." Jen said.

"Yes," Ziva nodded. "It is nice to see you as well Jenny."

"Ummm, are we not gonna talk about the fact that Tony and the Mossad Director know each other?" Kate asked.

"Ziva's the one I met on the airplane." Tony explained.

"You went on a date with the Director of Mossad?" McGee asked impressed. Everyone looked at them.

"You slept with the Director of Mossad?" Kate asked. Everyone's eyes got wide. Gibbs rolled his.

"You told them we had sex?" Ziva yelled. Her agents raised their guns again and so did NCIS. Ziva rolled her eyes and order them to out them down and stand at the wall.

"Well yeah, but in my defense I didn't think that I would see you until dinner later." Tony said to her.

Ziva rolled her eyes. "I will talk to you then. Jenny, Agent Gibbs. May we now talk?"

"Of course," she said following them up the stairs. "Jethro."

Gibbs groaned and walked past Tony. "Careful who you fall for, the power may be attractive but it's also annoying."

"Jethro," Jenny yelled from upstairs. "Come on. We will not keep Director David waiting."

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