Good Feeling Part 2

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"Yes. And I have missed you so much." She said looking at them. Her baby started to cry. "Inside, yes?" 

"Of course." Gibbs answered taking her into their compartments. They all sat in a makeshift squadroom. Ziva took off the rest of her scarf showing a bruise on her cheek.

"Roberts." She muttered when Gibbs went to touch it.

"Bastard." He said. She took the baby boy out of his scarf and sat him on her lap. Then she took out a roll of bread for him eat.

"How old?" Abby asked kneeling infront to play with him while he ate.

"Emmett is two." She smiled and touched his hair.

"Two?" Tony asked form his corner.

"Yes. Two." She said looking down.

"What ya doing here Ziva?" Gibbs asked sitting next to her.

"After... I had nothing and no one. I made a shack in the mountains not far from here. Nine months later he was was born. I come down to the village when I need. Mostly we stay up there alone." Abby sat across from her and she put Emmett on her lap.

"Why are you here?" McGee asked. "And why did Roberts treat you that way."

"Because I saw him kill a man. He knew that I would tell the truth, unless he had my child." She said darkly. Emmett started to cry, the bread was gone.

"Shh tateleh," she said taking him back. "That is all we have." Tony left the room and came back with his bag that was full of his snack food. He kneeled down infront and unwrapped something for him to eat. "Thank you Tony."

"You don't have much food?" He asked.

"No," she looked down. "I have a garden and I hunt. But it does not provide much." She said sadly.

"We're here now, Ziver. We got you." Gibbs said hugging her. Ziva got tears.

"I am sorry that I ever left." Tears came gown her dust covered cheeks.

"We're here now. I'll take you home." Tony said.

"Duck, to the body. Abby evidence. McGee, with me. We're going after Roberets. DiNozzo, stay with Ziva." Gibbs ordered. He kissed her on her head and they all left for their jobs. Tony said playing with the little boy on Ziva's lap.

"Who?" Tony asked.

"You." Ziva answered knowing that he ment who the father was.


"You were gone. I was scared. I figured you had already meet someone new. As time went on, I was more sure you had someone. And it would have been stranger to come out of the blue. So I waited for the day that you found me again." She smiled. "Although I thought it would much sooner."

"I tried. But it turns out living in a home you made on your own in the mountains and not coming out, really keeps you hidden." He said laughing at her.

"Not well enough." She said looking around.

"Where you alone?" Tony asked now sitting next to her.

"Every mineut until he was born." She answered.

"I mean, when you had him." Tony said handing him another cracker.

"Oh, yes. Well I had someone from the village who offered to help me. She died last year." Ziva said sadly.

"Well, you won't be alone again. Soon we will go home and it will all be good." Tony said. "And I may have to stop superglueing McGee to things."

"Why?" She asked.

"Made a bet. He won." Tony said scratching his head.

"Do you really want me back with you?" She asked as Emmett started to play with her hair.

"Do I want the woman I love and my child to be with me, hmm, let me think, YES!" He yelled making Emmett laugh. "Also, I don't think Gibbs is going to give you a choice and I know Abby won't."

"And you?" She asked giving slay smile.

"Is it really kidnapping if you're my family?" He asked leaning in.

"I do not know. I have not been around laws for a long time, let alone America. Maybe you could remind me?" She asked leaning closet to him.

"I guess I will. First lesson will be over handcuffs." He smiled and leaned in to kiss her and she kissed him back.

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