The Question

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It had been three wonderful years. They had been happy for three wonderful years. For the past two years they had managed to get time off and have romantic anniversaries, this year however they couldn't get out of work. Gibbs had refused saying that they had too many reports to do.  

Both of them were upset, but none more than Tony. He had spent one year planning that night, one year, and Gibbs ruined it. He had worked it up so much that he couldn't stand not doing and doing it another day wouldn't work.

So he sat at the desk staring at Ziva thinking of a way to ask her.

"Tony, stop staring at me." She said not even looking up from her reports.

"Why?" Tony asked. "And how'd you tell I was watching?"

"I could tell because I could feel your eyes boring into me!" Ziva said finally looking up. "And I want you to stop because I told you too!"

"Oh come on Zi, let's not fight. Not today." Tony said grinning.

"What's today?" McGee asked.

"Nothing." Ziva snapped.

"Three years." Tony said grinning.

"Tony. Stop. Talking." Ziva said threw gritted teeth.

"Three years since when?" McGee asked.

"Three years since you last minded your own business McGee." Ziva snapped.

"Whoa." McGee said going back to his work.

"I am going to get a coffee. Would any of you like one, Gibbs?" Ziva asked standing up.

"Please." Gibbs said his first word for over two hours. Not even a record.

"Then I will return." Ziva said walking away.

Tony saw his chance. He opened the drawer and took it out. Then he ran to her desk, grabbed a sticky note, wrote on it. Then put the note in the gift and the gift in her desk drawer. The whole time McGee and Gibbs watched him. Tony ran back to his seat and sat down.

"Tony, what was that?" McGee asked.

"Nothing McSnoop."

"Tony." Gibbs warned.

"You'll see soon boss. Trust me. It's gonna be good. I hope." Tony said as Ziva came back in.

"You hope what Tony?" She asked giving Gibbs his black coffee.

"Oh many things. First, I hope for world piece. Then I hope to go home. Last I hope for an answer, a good one." He said as she sat down.

"An answer to what?" She asked sitting down.

He grinned. "I'll ask you later."

She cocked an eyebrow then got back to work. Tony, who had finished his reports earlier fished out some paper. He started to scribble on them. Then he threw them at Ziva.

By the third head shot she had had enough. "Will you stop it!" She yelled.


"Yes boss." Tony said. He thought for a minute then grabbed out a fresh piece of paper and got to writing.

He intently wrote for ten minutes. He got so intense that his tounge started to stick out of his mouth. Ziva noticed and started to giggle.

"What you giggling about David?" Tony shot out.

"You and your tongue." She said laughing lightly.

"Oh really, because you've never laughed at it before." He shot back.

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