Temptation Part 1

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"I hate night clubs." 

"We know Dinozzo." Gibbs muttered taking a sip of his drink.

"But this isn't really a night club, Tony. This is a kinda like a lounge, like in-"

"Yes, McGoo, I know that this looks scarily like where the Haynes Sisters sang in White Christmas. And do you know where they sang? In a club." Tony said pointedly. So far he hated this case. Not only did it make him and the entire team, including Abby, Ducky and Palmer go back to Israel but he still missed Ziva. Some petty officer just couldn't keep himself out of trouble let alone alive. And to add to all that the officer liked to go to the night clubs this one actually, many times a week.

They were all sitting in the very far back on a slightly raised platform. So far they had seen one jokester, two singers, one dancer and amazing violinist. But not the witnesses they were looking for. The main one was Zandra Davidson, the main act for this bar, and her dancing parter Mat Belisoni. There were no pictures of them, but from what they heard, Zandra was a native, her act centered around singing and one small dance break where her and Mat would blow the audience away. Mat was from Sweden.

"Not like the clubs I go to." Abby smiled into her drink. She, Ducky and Palmar had demanded to come along. "And I like it. It's old timey."

"Not that old." Gibbs said smiling.

"Quite right Jethro, this is very much like the club where my mother used to hand out-" Ducky began.

"Ha!" Tony interrupted. "See, even Ducky says it's a club."

"Ladies and Gentlemen," the announcer boomed gathering everyone's attention. "Zandra Davidson!" The band began to play and the curtains were parted to reveal a beautiful woman with her back to the audience. Her dress was backless down to her butt. A high slit went up to her hip on her right side showing off her tan and toned leg. He hair was done so that it all laid on her right shoulder in curls showing off the deep cut and ample cleveage that showed. The black dress clung to her body.

She turned to the audience and began her number.

"Ziva?" Tony whispered in shock.


Six months crying. Two months spent pulling it together, even changing her name. Four months finding a job she liked. Now, one year going from being a bar maid to the main act in the show. She would have loved it, if it weren't for her dance partner being a murder. He really only killed who he was told too by the terrorists but that was no excuse. He killed a marine. One of them had to go. Sadly it was going to be her. She had one more week before she was going to tell her boss she quite. One more week for them to find her. She had sent them letters once a week, well she didn't, Matt sent them for her. She was always busy rehearsing. She never got anything back, but she never expected too. However when she found out about Mat she had to tell them.

As of right now, however, that didn't matter. Nothing did. She was about to preform her favorite song. When she got out there and just sang, she was whoever she wanted to be. She loved it. She made people smile. She would sing and dance and all eyes would be on her, not because she was holding a gun, but because she made them happy. Plus, her favorite song. It was one of her sexy songs that she liked to sing. She got to be as sensual as she wanted and no one was the wiser. It was the song she sang all those years ago when she was undercover at the nightclub in Mossad.

She took her spot, nodded to the musicians who started to play and the curtain was drawn. Her favorite part was up next, the turn around. Then she would get to walk around, flirt a little. The table in the back was always her favorite to go to because it had a platform. Then dance the repeat. But first she had to turn around.


The song she is singing is Temptation. It is the YouTube link.

"Rusted brandy in a diamond glass,"

"Holy shit thats Ziva." McGee said cupping his face to watch her dance and saunter around.

"No. That's Zandra Davidson." Gibbs smiled and leaned back.

"I'm recoding this." Abby said whipping out her phone.

She made her way around singing and flirting with a smile. Until she saw who she was making her way to at the back table. Them. It's not that she wasn't happy to see them, it's just... Unexpected.

"Dutch pink and Italian blue" She sang stepping onto the platform. Alright she had to dance with two of them, and somehow touch two. This wasn't going to be fun. The two on the ends she would need to dance and oh dear god. Palmer and Tony. Alright Palmer first. You can do this. She thought.

"He is there a waiting for you" she sang putting her uncovered leg between his legs. That earned eyebrows from everyone. Kill me... Wait... This is what I want to do. This is my song. This is my club and my time. This is me. Let us do this. She smiled at Tony and took her leg off of Palmer. She made eye contact with him the entire she walked over to him, and he met it.

"My will has disappeared
Now confusion is oh so clear" she sang. Now she was in front of him. She turned around and bent backwards into his lap.

"Temptation, temptation," she slowly stood back up and walked around to his back. "Temptation." She leaned over behind him so her head rested on his right shoulder and left hand moved down his chest to his stomach. "I can't resist."

She smirked and walked back to the main floor to dance. She looked back to a very pink Tony and the rest of the team in complete and utter shock.

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