Music Term Challenge: Non Troppo; Not too much

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Challenge is...

Each chapter must be based around musical terminology.


"Oh, sir, this one's cute!" Maggey exclaimed, as she shoved a head band in the detective's face.

Gumshoe took the accessory from her and looked for the price tag. "F-f-f-f-fifteen dollars?!" he screamed and his eyes popped out of his sockets. Everyone in the store gave him weird looks, and he smiled sheepishly at them.

"Oh, I'm sorry if it's too expensive, sir," she apologized quietly. "You don't have to get it for me if you don't want to."

He blushed as he saw her give a small smile. "N-no, pal! It's fine. I-I'll get it."

She beamed at him, "Really, sir?! Thank you so much!"

"Y-yeah," the detective forced a smile. "Y-you're welcome. I-it r-really isn't much..."

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