iPod Challenge

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The Challenge...

Is to put your iPod/MP3 player on "shuffle" then quickly write a little snippet about a scene/character the song reminds you of until the song is done, you'll usually end up with about 300 words or less, for the first 10 songs.


--I'm probably going to do more than ten songs!

--Most of these are probably gonna be PG or G, but it's not letting me put that... ;__;

--MOST people used in this aren't OCs... They're just the first names that pop into my head.

--The only people that are actually my characters are Winter, Joe, Kaylee, Will, and Sasha

--This is my first completed challenge ever! :D


She ran behind the column, silently following him.

"You are mine and we will never be apart," she whispered sweetly to herself.

Everyday Natalia did this, but it seemed that it had no effect.

Ivan, her object of affections, knocked on a door. A girl swung it open and they hugged, greeting each other.

Every second they talked, hugged, laughed, she grew even more determined to kill this filth of the earth.

How dare she get in the way of me and sweet, dear Ivan!

"I will burn in the flames, every trace of her name." She spat as she pulled out a lighter, an evil grin twisting on her face.

She giggled before lightly tapping a bush with the fire. "Bye bye."

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