Chapter Sixteen

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Ben banged on the door. Kevin opened it with a questioning look on his face.

"Hey, Rob. What are you doing here?" He asked, putting a hand on the doorjam.

"Is Ryan here?" he demanded.


"Come on, Kev. She's not at the dorm. She has to be here."

"She's not. What the hell did you do anyway? She was supposed to be with you in Miami for five more days. Luckily, she did come back early as our son came earlier than expected. She wouldn't have wanted to miss that."

"Yeah, she said you were due soon. Congrats. Can you please tell me where I can find her? We really need to talk."

He opened the door wider. "Come on in. She's not here, but I know where to find her."

Ben spotted Lauren on the couch, breastfeeding the baby, a blue blanket hung over her shoulder and the baby from his side to give her privacy. "Congrats."

"This is Douglas," Lauren said, proudly, turning the baby so he could see its face.

"Ah, that's nice," Ben looked away as he caught glimpse of Kevin's wife's breast. "After Ryan's friend, right?"

Lauren nodded and repositioned the baby under the blanket. "He was our friend too."

Kevin spoke into the phone, "Law, hey man, it's Kev, is my sister there?" he asked. Ben's ears perked up. "What's going on?" Kevin asked. He was quiet for a minute. "Oh boy! Are you serious?! No, she didn't tell me. Yup, he is. Alright, yeah, thanks," he said and hung up.

"Lauren, honey, do you mind if Rob and I have a little mano-a-mano?"

"Certainly. Be nice," she said, kissing his cheek.

"I'm always nice," Kevin countered. Lauren patted Ben's shoulder on her way out of the room.

"So... Rob."

"You going to tell me where she is?"

"Tell me why I should."

Ben looked at him and knew the guy wasn't going to budge unless he got the truth. "I love her."


"Yes!" Ben said frustrated.

"So, what's this about you wanting to marry her?"

"I do."

"Even though you think she's only nineteen," Kevin said, crossing his arms.

Ben was about to lay into Kevin when something about the sentence hit him as wrong. His eyes narrowed. "What do you mean think?"

"How many months have you lived with her?"


"And you haven't figured anything out."

"Like what?" Rob said, trying to hold his temper.

"Like, she ain't no nineteen."

"Then how old is she, Kevin?"

"Hmm...well, let's see, it's not polite to talk about a lady's age. However, I'm twenty-six and I'm her baby brother. So, you figure it out."

Ben blinked. "You're her...younger brother?" he asked, bewildered.

"I just gave you a major piece of the puzzle. Now, I'll let you figure out the rest."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. What are you saying here?"

"You're the FBI agent; you figure it out," Kevin answered, getting up. "How about that brew?" Kevin asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Why did you say that?" Ben asked, confused.

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