Chapter Three

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Halloween came upon them quickly and Rob's frat was going to be hosting a mega party for the occasion.

"So what are you going to be?" Rob asked Ryan who was sprawled on her stomach across her bed doing some English lit homework before getting ready.

"It's a surprise," she answered, not looking up.

"You're not even going to tell me? Your favorite roomie?"

"Nope," she replied, still looking at her book.

"Why not?" he asked curiously.

"Because it's more fun this way," she answered, looking up and flashing him a mischievous smile.

"Have it your way," he grumbled, looking through his dresser.

"And what are you going to be?"

"It's a surprise," he said, mocking her tone while pulling a tee-shirt out of the bottom of his drawer.

"What's that?" she asked, her heart stopping as she saw the three significant letters on the tee-shirt.

"My costume," he said, holding it up. It was a navy blue tee shirt with yellow letters across reading F.B.I.

"Where'd you get that?" she asked, trying to ignore the tightness in her chest.

"Ah, they sell them for like three for ten dollars down in D.C," he said, pulling off the tee-shirt he was wearing.

"Oh," she said, relieved.

She settled back down, realizing that she had seen them at street vendors. Her eyes went to his chest. He had well defined pecs and as her eyes slipped lower he had very nice six pack abs.

His body was more impressive than she thought from above his tee-shirts. He'd never changed in front of her before.

It was nice that he'd come to such a comfort level with her to be able to partially undress in front of her. And here she was checking him out, she thought guiltily. She looked back to her book quickly.

"I couldn't think of anything else," he said, pulling the shirt over his head, "I picked up a water gun. Looks pretty real, check it out," he tossed the black plastic gun, he had pulled out of a white plastic shopping bag, at her.

"And handcuffs, and a badge," he said with an amused smile, pulling out the play set he'd gotten at the dollar store.

"Cute," she said looking at it, but her eyes blurred as she tried not to look or react.

"So, you going to tell me now?"

"Not a chance."

"Fine. I'll see you at the party then," he said, grabbing his toys from her.

"Find me if you can," she called teasingly after him as he left the room.

But when he left the room her smile faded. She shook her head at the thoughts running through her head. No, it wasn't possible, she thought, dismissing them.

Then slowly, she got up to gather what she needed for the Halloween party, the thought still toying with her in the back of her head.


He couldn't find her. Some F.B.I agent he was. He peered into the eyes of pretty much everyone at the party and he couldn't find her. Damn, she was good.

After a while, he sat back on a couch with a brew as he watched, as many watched, a gorgeous creature in a Catwoman costume dance with one of the frat guys.

Rob, for about half a second, considered that the Catwoman could be Ryan, as she had an awesome body like her, but she didn't move like Ryan. She was seductive in her dance. He'd never seen Ryan dance, but he thought it be much more demure than that.

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