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He was bad. Bad to the bone. But somehow good for me. Sure, I got good grades, had upstanding morals, respectable friends, a nice home, and played on a varsity team. Yeah, I had a mom who cared-- well sorta, and a dad who might've, if he had stuck around. Yes, for the most part, I was you're average, good, teenaged girl. But everyone needs a little bad right? A little mystery? A little guidance? And that was Zion. Shrouded in mystery, and the wonderful earthy smell of man, endowed with raven hair and nice biceps, Zion was my ticket to a new life. He represented everything I wanted-- and needed. How'd I know?

Because he told me, "I know your secret-- jumper."

♕  ♕  ♕  ♕

Well hi, this is my first story/book/novel/whatver that I've decided to post on wattpad. I've had seperate accounts just to read for a while, and decided ehh what the heck? why not post something. So if you happen upon my story thing, that I have just started out with it would absolutely mean the world to me if you'd drop me a vote, or a word or encouragment, or even constructive critisism. 

~luckyon3, but you can call me Sarah (:

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