9-First Date After The Baby

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You put on your red dress that Harry loved seeing you in and curled your hair. Tonight was the first time you and Harry had gone out on a date since Aubrey was born. Harry was with Aubrey in her room, reading her her favourite book, The Princess and the Frog. Once you were done getting ready you went to get Harry. You gave Aubrey one last kiss before leaving her with your mum.
Once you two were seated at your table at the fancy restaurant Harry had reserved, the conversation started. "I've missed this." Harry said, holding your hands in his. You smiled, "Me too." You two were surprisingly calm about leaving Bree for the night, you both trusted your mum to take care of her. The only thing you worried about was how Aubrey was feeling. You remembered the times your parents had gone out and you had sobbed all night. After dinner you and Harry took a walk by the river. It looked amazing at night with all the colourful reflections in the water. Harry had his arm around your waist, "Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we had never met? Life without Aubrey? How dull it would be?" You asked out of the blue, catching your husband off guard. "Sometimes. But I definitely don't regret anything. I'm so lucky to have you both in my life, I don't know what I'd do without you guys." He said before kissing you.

"Are you sure you have enough milk to last the night?" Liam asked Louis for about the one hundredth time. Louis rolled his eyes at this, "We've been over this Liam."
"Do you want me to show you how to warm it up again?" You couldn't help but giggle at how protective Liam was and how worried he was getting over a few hours of leaving Jessie alone.
"I have baby siblings that I take care of all the time, I know how to do this."
"But what if-"
"No buts. Now go and have fun with Y/N, don't worry about me and Jessie." He said practically shoving Liam out the door. He sighed and nodded. You both said your byes to Jessamine before heading to dinner. During dinner Liam texted Louis several times to make sure nothing had gone wrong, but other than that it was exactly like old times.

"Y/N? Are you even listening to me?" Niall asked waving his hand infront of your face. "Hmm?" You asked, you hadn't been listening and it was evident.
"Don't worry about Rachel, she'll be fine. She's with Denise and my brother. She even has Theo to play with! She won't even realise that we left." This still didn't help calm your nerves, you were still worried about her. "Okay fine, we'll call them and see how it's going. Then after that you have to promise to be only mine for the night." He said, knowing that would win you over.
After hearing Rae's voice on the phone you calmed down. You were 99% focused on Niall, you still had that small percentage of yourself longing to go back home and hold Rachel in your arms. But hey, you couldn't help it!

"Bye Boys, be good for aunty Lottie." You said, giving Connor and Lucas each one last kiss before leaving, hands intertwined with Louis'. Louis was taking you out to a fancy dinner since you guys wanted to celebrate your anniversary, even though it was about a month late.
After the exquisite dinner and wine you two strolled around the city sharing memories of your marriage. "I miss the boys" you said sadly.
"Me too," Louis admitted, "Even though it's only been a few hours."
"Let's go home?" He nodded and you guys walked back to the car before returning home. Even though it was late and the boys were asleep you went to say goodnight to them. Louis followed you into their room, your hand still in his. You stroked Lucas' hair and kissed his forehead, then did the same with Connor. "Goodnight angels." You whispered. "I'm so proud of them" Louis said, admiring his sons. You pecked his lips, "Me too, I couldn't be happier." You two silently returned to your room and cuddled until you both fell asleep.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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