1-Introducing Babies

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Aubrey, also known as Bree. Born on the 11th of July. Dark brown, curly locks with big brown eyes. She's shy when she first meets someone but once she's comfortable she is very open and giggly.

Jessamine, usually called Jessie or Jess. Born on the 4th of May. Dirty blonde hair with dark brown eyes. Shy and reserved, very attached to her mother but loves spending time with Liam whenever she gets the chance.

Rachel, people call her Rae more than they call her Rachel. A mixture between red and blond hair, blue eyes like her father's. Born on the 23rd of November. She is like Niall in so many ways, nobody could ever mistake her as someone elses child. (Picture on the side)

Lucas and Connor, twins (it runs in the Tomlinson family). Lucas loves to get dirty and play outdoors and Connor loves to cuddle, but when put together one never knows what mischievious situations they'll find themselves in. They both have light brown locks (Lucas' hair is a little bit darker than Connor's) with dark blue eyes. Born on the 17th of September.

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