3-Baby's First Night Home (his POV)

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My eyes shot open at the first pair of loud cries, it was our first night home with Aubrey. Since Y/N was still exhausted from going through labor, the next few weeks I'd be doing most of the work. "I'll ge-" I started before realizing that Y/N was still fast asleep, making me chuckle. I got up and rushed to the nursery, picking Bree up from her crib. "Your mum sleeps through a lot but if you continue you might wake her up." I whispered, even though she wouldn't understand me. I softly patted her back to calm her cries down, they eventually stopped and she drifted back to sleep. After giving her a little kiss on her forehead I set her back down in her crib, and turned to go back to bed. I groaned as I pulled the sheet back up and closed my eyes. Once again Bree burst into wailing sounds, I sighed and got up again and went back to the room across the hall and lifted her into my arms again with a frown. "Like attention do you?" I joked. As soon as she saw my face she stopped crying, I gave in and took her back to my room. "Just for tonight." I told her before falling asleep with her on my chest.

I watched as Jessie's slowly closed and she fell asleep, I smiled at how her cute lips parted in her sleep. I looked up at Y/N who was leaning against the door frame, "Let's get you to sleep." I whispered, taking her hand and guiding her to our room. She fell asleep almost instantly, while I was having trouble sleeping worrying about our newborn. I sighed and got out of bed to check on her, she was still fast asleep. I sat in the seat next to her crib and watched her. My eyelids started to grow heavy and I eventually fell asleep. "Liam?" I wake up and notice that Jess is crying in Y/N's arms. Y/N giggles when she sees my confused expression, "It's okay, go back to sleep, sleepyhead!" She jokes. I apologise and give them both a kiss before promising that next time it's my turn.

I woke up when I realized that Y/N wasn't in bed next to me, fear kicked in and I rushed to find her. I walked down the corridor to where Rae's room was. I hugged Y/N from behind who was standing at the door of the nursery, "Babe, why aren't you sleeping?" I ask quietly in her ear, careful not to wake Rae up. She sighed "Just wanted to make sure she was alright." She murmered. I glanced at sleeping Rachel, "She's fine. If she wakes up I'll hear her, you should get some rest, the doctor said that it was very important."
"You're right, goodnight Niall." She pecked my lips and went back to bed. "Goodnight Rae." I whispered before following Y/N out. That night was not as bad as I had expected, Rae was quiet most of the time and when she did wake up all it took to get her to sleep again was some singing.

"Y/N, the babies are awake." I nudged her arm. I felt guilty for waking Y/N up but I couldn't deal with both boys at once. She opened one eye, and groaned when she heard the whimpers coming from next door. She got up and went to the nursery with me, picking up Lucas. I picked up Connor, playing with his tiny hand, making him grab onto my finger. He calmed down eventually and so did his brother. "Good boys." I cooed before setting him back in his crib. I carefully removed his fingers from mine and turned off the light. I kissed Y/N, "We make a good team." She smiled weakly, "We do." I agreed. We went back to bed hoping to be able to get a full night to sleep but no such luck. That was only the beggining to a restless night.

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