8-You're Stressed Out

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{Wish we could turn back time...to the good old days}

Loud wails came from Aubrey's room. You sighed and went to comfort her. "Hey Aubrey," you cooed, cradling her to your chest. She squirmed around in your arms and cried even louder. You had just fed her a few minutes ago and her diaper didn't need changing. You rocked her back and forth hoping that she would calm down and fall asleep but that wasn't what happened. Her cries continued and she threw her arms about, "Aubrey please just sleep," you whimpered. You were way too tired to be taking care of Aubrey alone, especially since she was being extra picky today. She continued crying and screaming for ages despite your efforts of soothing her. It was all too much for you and you ended up calling Harry even though he was in the studio. "Y/N? Is something wrong?" You could hear how worried he was, you barely ever bothered him while he was working.
"I-I can't do this," You said in between sobs.
"Take a deep breath honey, I'll be home soon." You nodded before hanging up even though he couldn't see you.
When Harry arrived Aubrey was still crying. You hadn't achieved anything by feeding her and changing her diaper. If anything you had just made it worse. Harry took Aubrey from your arms, rocking her back and forth while humming to her. In a few minutes she calmed down and even fell asleep. Harry saw how upset you were and gave you a hug, when he let go of you it was only for a moment before he picked you up and carried you to bed. "I have a feeling that a cuddle would be good right now." You nodded and snuggled into his chest as he held you tight.

You woke up to the sound of Jessamine's cries. You looked beside you, hoping that Liam would get up but this time he didn't. You forced yourself out of bed and went to check on baby Jessie. You stayed on her room for 10 minutes trying to get her to fall asleep but she was still restless. You tried to hold back your tears, nothing was working. Eventually Liam realised that you weren't beside him in bed and came to help you. He noticed the tears forming in your eyes, "Don't worry Y/N, go to sleep, I'll take care of Jessamine" You nodded and went back to your room. On your way there you heard Liam speaking to the baby, "Sleep sweetie, you need it and so do we. Your beautiful mother is exhausted, she deserves at least one night's sleep."

You curled up next to Niall, and closed your eyes as he wrapped his arms around you. Everything was so stressful lately with the baby and Niall being away so much, it wasn't easy taking care of Rachel alone. Today you decided to take up your mum's offer to take care of her for the day, meaning that you had a day to rest. Out of nowhere you started crying. Niall continued stroking your hair softly, kissing your forehead. "I'm sorry" you sniffed. "It's just that...I feel like.. It's so much harder than I had expected parenthood would be like..."
"You're doing great, we'll do this together." He said while wiping the tears from your cheek. He stood up from under you with a grin, "I'll be back in a second." When he came back he grabbed your hand and dragged you to the bathroom where he had set up a bubble bath and candles. "Niall-" you said in aw, getting cut off.
"This was way overdue," He said before stripping off his clothes and getting in. "You coming?"

"One second baby" You sighed, now you not only had to deal with one baby, but with two. You desperately tried to change Lucas' diaper while calming Connor down. As soon as you were done changing Lucas you set him down and picked up his brother. Once they were both in their cribs and fast asleep you left their room and wandered to the kitchen. With a rush of worry you realised how much work you still had to do. You had to do the dishes, the laundry and clean up the house. You sighed and decided to start with the dishes now. The front door opened and Louis walked into the kitchen. Without even saying hi he spun you around and kissed you, making you giggle. "What'cha doing hun?" He asked.
"The dishes. Very glamorous..." You sighed.
"Y/N I told you that I would take care of all this stuff. Go rest while I clean up here."
You thanked him and headed to to your shared room. When Louis was done he came up and pulled the blankets over your sleeping body.

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