Chapter 15 - Anything And Everything

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“I’m sorry, miss, but you can’t go through!” the security guard tells me for the twentieth time, blocking not only my entrance but also my view of the backstage door.

Vita’s words ‘anything and everything’ are driving me now, stuck replaying themselves in my head like a broken record. Its like I’m possessed with determination to do literally, anything and everything.

I guess you could say I’ve got the anything part covered. I’m outside the arena on the last day of the X Factor tour, and to even be allowed to come here took A LOT of convincing my parents. I’ve promised them I’ll do the housework for a month – so, I suppose I’ve ticked the anything box.

The everything bit is proving exceptionally hard to complete, though. To be fair, the only thing I’ve tried so far is convincing bouncers to let me past, and it’s failing hugely. Still, it’s all I have right now.

“But I need to see Harry Styles!” I scream at the security guard by the door. “I’m his girlfriend, he knows me!” not technically true, but I claim the title without thinking, “I’m not just some crazy fan!”

“That’s what they all say…” the bouncer sighs, not showing any signs of weakening.

“Yes and I’m telling the truth! Look, I have his number in my phone, that’s got to mean something!” I plead, thrusting my phone at him so he can clearly see Harry’s name and a bunch of numbers on the screen. He pushes it back, shaking his head amusedly.

He chuckles, “Heh, why don’t you call him then, have him pick you up?”

I confess, everything doesn’t extend just that far. I know I couldn’t call him because he probably wouldn’t answer me. Plus, I’d probably ruin Raya’s dream that this does play out like a fairytale.

You see, I ran straight back to her after my meeting with Vita. I explained everything to Raya in the middle of Covent Garden whilst she was having a break from shopping, and her jaw literally dropped. She was treating my story like an actual fairytale, planning what should happen to make it ‘so romantic’. I zoned out when Raya began to retell the story about hers and Liam’s first official date…

Suddenly, I get an idea.

Liam. He and Raya are still together! Surely he’d be able to let me backstage?! I scroll down my contact list and find Liam’s number.

“Hello? Issy?” Liam whispers down the phone when he answers.

“Liam! What’s wrong…are you with Harry?” I ask as I hear crackling from the other side of the phone.

“Well, I was, but I’m in the hall now,” he says a bit louder, “What’s up, Iss?”

I sigh, “Could you do me a favour and get these bouncers at the back to let me backstage? I…erm…need to sort some stuff out…”

“I’m on my way,” Liam assures me, ending our phone conversation immediately. Did I do something wrong?

Two minutes later, the backstage doors open and Liam appears. The bouncers push a couple of over-excited Aiden fans out of the way and finally let me pass. I run straight over to Liam, who doesn’t look as pleased as I do.

“Hey,” I say, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I guess. What are you doing here?”

“Are you annoyed with me, Liam?” I ask, avoiding his question for a moment.

“I…You…No, Issy, I’m not annoyed with you. Louis on the other hand…” He looks down the corridor, as if checking Louis isn’t on Issy-Lookout. “What are you doing here, though?”

The Fortune Teller (One Direction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang