Look Up At the Poisoned Grey Skies

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*Alexis' P.O.V.*

"So... How have you been?" Michael asked me. I was still in slight shock; I hadn't seen him since the concert and I haven't messaged him in forever either.

"Um, g-good. I might be featured in some of My Chem's songs or videos sometime. A-and they come over a lot now too."

"That's awesome! You could call them your 'uncles'. Well um, message me, okay? I gotta go, see you later, Alex!" He waved and walked down the street. I'd already forgotten where I was planning on going, so I just went to the small coffee shop that was run by my cousin's friend, Amy. I walked in and all the scents of coffee, hot chocolate, and freshly baked bread hit me the second the door opened.

"Hey Alexis! Long time no see, what do you want?" Amy smiled at me.

"Americana please." I smiled. I kind of felt like a small adult walking around and stuff...

I pulled out my headphones and tucked them away safely in my jacket pocket. I grabbed a few dollars from my front pocket and a few quarters in my pocket.

"Here you go. $2.50 please." she smiled. I handed her the money and walked to the counter on the opposite wall to add cream and a little sugar.

"Thanks, Amy." I walked out with my coffee and headed back home. As I opened the door, I looked up at the grey skies that had been polluted and tarnished through years of factories and cars smoke. I know that at some point the skies were beautiful and blue, in some people's opinions anyway. When I would see it during the day, I would hope it'd be overcast the next. Now, I wish I could see the light hue just this once, to liven up my life. My favorite thing about the once beautifully colorful sky were the colors during sunset. The pinks and blues and oranges were beautiful all together, and sometimes you could see a lavender up there.

"Everything is made from nothing, but it eventually fades away until it is nothing once again." I murmured to myself. "This is the point in a cliche movie where I pull out a cigarette and stuff my hands in the pockets of my mysterious black trench coat." I chuckled.

"Now all you need is a fedora." I heard a deep voice behind me. I turned around to find Gerard standing there with a cigarette between his pale lips and a pair of black sunglasses set on the bridge of his nose. "Hello, Alexis."

"Hi." I waved at him. I still wasn't over the creepy dream I had or the kiss, but I'd live. I smiled and walked toward him, sipping my coffee.

"Hi." He whispered, once we were face to face.

"You already said that, Gerard." I laughed.

"Oh. Uh, sorry."

"No need to apologize."

"I meant for the things I did before. In the rain and stuff. It's illegal and it's wrong and I'm... Old." He muttered.

"You know Gee, it's fine. I'll live. It isn't the end of the world. Come on, lets sit on the bench. I have a feeling this'll be a long talk." Once we sat down my heart started racing. I wanted to tell him what I'd been thinking and feeling since I met him.

"I'm so damn sorry, Al. I didn't... I don't want to hurt you, or make you feel weird." He was looking at the concrete path of the park we were in, his hands on either sides of his legs.

"Gerard, it OK. I've already said that. And I mean it." I pat his back awkwardly.

"But it isn't. I mean..." He sat in silence for a bit thinking of how to say what he needed to. I hadn't notice I had unconsciously put my hand on his. "I wish you could be just a little older, then this whole thing would be so much easier." He chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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