Chapter Eight.

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The next morning I woke up to my doorbell ringing. Jessica was now gone from beside me, she was meant to be going to her friends house early today anyways and my mam had to go to work. "One second" I yelled running down the stairs.I walked over to my front door nervously opening it incase it was Harry ir the guy from last night. I stood there shocked to see who it was. It was my brother. I knew he was coming home soon but not this soon. He pulled me into a tight hug. "Hey Frankie" he said in his familer deep voice. "Hey, Why are you home so early?" I questioned. "Oh fine, I'll just go back to college, Just kidding, I finished all of my assignments so they just let me go early as I had nothing else to do" He explained. "Well come in" I greeted happily. I hadn't seen my brother in about three months. I started to make some toast. I asked Robert did he want any and he replied with a nod as he was busy texting somebody on his phone. "So, does mam know your here" I asked. "No, I dont think so, I want to surprise her" he said back looking up from his phone."Well shes finished work at six so you have plenty of time planning on how your suppose to do that" I laughed. The toast popped from the toaster and I began to butter the now toasted bread. I put the toast on the plate and left it between me and Robert. "Thanks sis" he said. "No bother bro" I said smiling. Cody said that he would wash up the dishes while I got ready to go into town with him as he asked me to when we were eating. I grabbed a pair of denim shorts and a black baggy vest top and put on my black converse. I done my makeup and quickly brushed my hair. I decided to leave it down. I grabbed my phone and my purse and then we left in his car. When we were done our shopping we decided to go to Starbucks for a coffee. I decided to save us seats while Cody orderd us drinks. I took my phone out from my shorts pocket and noticed that I had 8 new messages from Harry. I didn't even bother to read them I just deleted them. Cody came down with our drinks. He seemed to be on his phone alot more than he used to be. "Is everything okay ?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" He replied. "Your just on your phone alot more than you used to be" I said honestly. "Just one of my mates girlfriend broke up with him" he replied. "Oh, okay, I hope he's okay" I replied feeling bad for his friend. "Yeah he's fine now" he said. I looked up from talking to Cody to see Harry at the counter ordering. I quickly said I needed to go to the bathroom to Cody and stood up and walked to the bathroom to try and avoid Harry. Fortunatly my plan worked. I stayed in the bathroom and texted Jessica explaining that I was in Starbucks and Harry came in and now im in the bathroom and I dont know what to do. I didnt tell her about Cody being home incase she didnt know and Cody wanted to surprise her too. She texted me back quicker than I thought she would she said just keep walking pass him and keep your head down so he dosnt notice you. I took her advice and walked out of the bathrooms. I went to walk over to Cody but shock hit me. Harry was sitting with Cody conversating with him. I decided that I should just go over to Cody and say we had to go but before I could Harry noticed me. He said something to my brother and he stood up from the seat I was sitting in previously and started to approch me. I looked over to Cody but he was now back on his phone. "Frankie just list-" I cut him off. "Look I dont even want to hear it, I've known you about five days now and I've never been in more trouble in my life so just stay away from me, okay ?" I said annoyed going to walk. "Wait" he said grabbing my wrist harshly. "You have no idea what I went through to save your sorry ass. If thats the way your going to be dont fucking bother with me anymore!" He said harahly. I just walked away and made my way to Cody saying come on. We made our way home and I asked him did he know Harry Styles. He replied "Yeah, why ?". "No why, Im just wondering" I said. He just nodded his head and soon we reached his car and were on our way home.
Hey guys ! So I decided I would make another chapter before christmas just because im so nice. Just kidding :p but yeah its another short one but atleast theres an extra chapter now c: Okay I probarbly wont update again till after christmas ot new years. Have a good xmas and new years !
Byee !!

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