Chapter Six.

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"Hello beautiful" he greated me, eyeing me up and down.
"Hello" I said blushing. Was I seriously blushing ?
"Let me say goodbye to my mam first" I said walking into the kitchen to say my goodbyes. As I walked back out to my door Harry was no longer standing at the front door but was now in his black Range Rover. When he seen me aproching him he jumped out of his Jeep and ascorted me to the other side of the car. He is really a flirt. I put on my seatbelt as he ran back around to his side of the jeep. He put on his seatbelt and then we took off down the road. "Harry ?" I questioned.
"How am I meant to get into a club when I'm only seventeen?" I asked worridly.
"Dont worry they'll let you in once your with me." He said camly.
"But-" He cut me off.
"I said dont worry your with me so they'll have to let you in".
For the rest of the journey we stayed silent as the radio in the car was playing music.
As we reached the club there was a que of people waiting to get in ajd security gaurds standing by the doors of the club. Harry pulled up just down the road from it so we walked up to the club. I was going to wait it the que but Harry pulled me along with him to the top.
"Harold how are you doing?" The security gaurd greeted him. Was his real name Harold ? I kind of laughed to this and Harry gave me a glare. "Yeah Im grand, how are you Paul?" Harry asked. They obviously must of knew eachother.
When they were finished there little conversation, Paul opened the rope that was preventing us from getting into the club. I felt bad for skipping the que but it was freezing out so I wasnt going to complain.
"So Harold, you were right I would get in" I said in a smart tone.
"Shutup, yeah see I told you" he said while laughing.
Harry and I walked over to the bar, Harry whispered something into the bar tendends ear and he came down with two alcholic drinks for me and Harry. Harry pushed the glass over towards me and I just looked at it. "I really shouldnt" I said worridly. "Oh come on, I seen you drinking at the house party, your not that innocent" He said making a point. I looked at the drink cautsiously not knowing what it was or what was in it. "What is it?" I asked.
"Drink up and you'll find out" he said with a wink.
I took the drink into my hands and held it to my mouth. I took a sip from it and it was suprisingly nice. Me and Harry had conversations about what we wanted to do after school. Harry said he always wanted to he a poilet and I wanted to be a photographer or an Author.
I found out that Harry was Nineteen and his birthday was on the 1st of Febuary. I told him I was Seventeen which he already knew and my birthday. Soon later Oasis, Wonderwall came on. "Oh I love this song!" I said exitedly.
"You like Oasis?" He aksed.
"Yeah, there one of my favourite bands" I replied.
"You must have good taste in music then".
I nodded. I told him I was going to dance to this song as he stayed in his seat. I made my way through all the sweaty drunk people dancing untill I found a spot that I could move freely too. As I was dancing the song was ending and then Selena Gomez new song came on I think it is Good for ya. I made my way off of the dance floor while some people were grinding on others. When I reached the bar, Harry was no longer there. I took the seat I was sitting in before I went to dance and kept an eye out for him. I thought to myself he must of went to the bathroom. Soon after there was still no sign if him so I asked the Bar tendant that served us earlier did he see Harry. He said a group of guys came over to him and he went with them. I actually cant belive this. How dare he just leave me on my own in a night club, by myself. I then felt a tip on my shoudler and a guy with brown hair and blue eyes around 18-19 asked me did I want a drink. I politley said no thank you and went to get off of the chair but he stopped me from getting off of it and said "Come on just one". I told him no it was fine but he kept at me. I said in a annoyed and loud voice "Fine then buy me a fucking drink!" When the bar tendand handed the drinks to him he kind of hide the drinks for a second then gave me my one. I was unsure wether to drink it or not. I smelled it but it just smelled like cider, I then took one sip out of it and it tasted the same so I decided I was probarby just being paranoid. After I was finished the drink, I felt a little more tispy than I would before. My words were beginning to go slurred and my vision was becoming unclear. I seen the guy smirk to himself and I then knew he did something. As I went to walk away it was like the music was louder and everything was spinning.
The guy that bought me the drink came behind me on the dance floor and grabbed my waist. He pulled me off of the dance floor and brought me out of the club. I was feeling a bit more relaxed at this stage and I dont know why. Maybe he didnt do anything maybe it was just a strong drink that made me feel like this. There was a lane way at the back of the club and it looked dirty. He pulled me down there and whispered into my ear "Everything is going to be okay just relax" I did as he said without helping it. He pushed me against the wall and started to roughly kissed me. I kissed him back without realizing what I was doing. I kept thinking to myself if Harry can go off and have a good time without me I can have a good time without him. The guy made his way to my neck and up towards my ear. I then let out a loud moan and I could feel a smirk on his lips. "Whats your name baby" he asked. "F-Frankie" I replied. He pushed me further into the wall and lifted up my dress. I then looked at him weirly feeling like I was coming back to myself and tried to push him off of me but he was to strong. He pulled down his pants and lifted me up onto his waist so I couldnt get down. I could feel his erection from under me. I started to cry and scream but he only blocked my mouth. I bit his hand and he let go of my instantly and dropped me to the floor. "You fucking bitch" He yelled as he heled his hand in pain. I got off the ground and went to run but he caught my hair and pulled me back. "Now your going to be thought a lesson". He said as he dragged me further into the dark allyway. I started to kick and scream but I was gone to far from the club for anyone to hear me. He pushed me to the ground and took out a gun. I started to breath heavily. "If you do something like that again, a bullet will go straight through your head and you can say goodbye to your precious Harry". He said threatning me.
Harry! I thought to myself, If he didnt leave me alone I wouldnt of been in this situation. Wait how does he know about Harry ?
"H-How d-do you know abo-out Harr-ry ?" I questioned with tears running down my face. "Oh sweetie you still have alot to learn".
HEY ! Sorry I havnt updated in a while, I had no internet :c
Drama is coming up in this story !!! What do you guys think this mysterious guy might do to Kelly? What do you think he meant by "you still have alot to learn" ?
And finally why did Harry ditch Kelly ?
Leave your answeres below ! I would love to hear your opinions ! :)
Thanks for your patience :)
Bye !!

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