Chapter Three.

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I slowly walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I now had my hair down to cover the marking that this man had given me. I was in utter shock. I went back into the kitchen and my mother and sister was still sitting at the table but it was quite obvious that they were talking about me and Harry as they stopped talking and had smirks on there faces as I sat on the chair.
"He's a lovley boy, Im so happy that you've found somebody that is so sweet" my mother said. If only she knew what he was really like.
I went to my room to find my cat Molly lying on my bed. "Hi Molly" I said in a high pitched voice. I took my laptop out from under my bed and layed it down on my lap. I typed into Google 'Harry Styles' and went into the photograph section. There was random pictures of random people but then as I kept scrolling down I seen a picture of the brown curly headed boy kissing a girl. This girl looked familer I think she goes to our school. I looked under the picture to find a link. The link was from facebook. I clicked into it and it started to load. When it was finished loading the page came up as not founded. I tried again but it was still not working. This must have been his facebook account before. I took a closer look at this photo and then I realised that I knew this girl. Well I didnt personaly know her but we would say hi to one another in school, well we used to she aparently moved school because her brother got into a massive fight with this other guy and it didnt end up to well. Her name was Ashley. She was a nice and friendly girl. She was a year younger than me and some of my friends. There was a knock on my door and I exited out of the picture and my search.
"Come in" I said. My sister walked into my room.
"Frankie and Harry sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I" I cut her off "Oh shut up" I laughed while playfully slapping her arm. "I didnt really get to talk to you yesterday or today so maybe we could go to the cinema tomorrow night?" She asked while sitting on my bed. Tomorrow night. Tomorrow night out of all nights she had to pick tomorrow night. Im not angry at her though. Im angry at Harry. He cannot just expect me to cancel all my plans just for him. I dont even know the guy and he already has my number, he told my family he is my boyfriend and now he expects me to go to a club with him ?! "Um Yeah, Sure" I said. Whats the worst that could happen ? He gives me another love bite ?
"Oh my God, I forgot that I had to call over to one of my freinds after work" I said to my sister while closing down my laptop.
"Alright, I'll talk to you later" she replied. She walked out of my room but before she closed the door she said "I noticed your neck by the way" she winked and closed the door.
I forgot to hide it with my hair as I put it behind my back when I went to my room. I changed out of my working clothes and put on a pair of denim shorts and a cute tshirt because it was so warm outside. I put back on my shoes and applied make up on my neck to cover that horrible marking. I never was a fan of love bites I seen some girls walking around with them in town and the look discusting. When I was done I told my mother I was calling into Emily and I might stay there tonight if Emily dosnt mind but I would be back later to collect my stuff. She nodded and with that I left my house. I walked down the road and some teenagers were sitting on a wall they where about 13-16. "Hey baby" One of them said. "Oh please Im probarbly older than any of you twats". I said proudly and kept walking. Guys dont know how to respect Women anymore these days. My dad used to treat my mother with great respect he was always so kind and gentel around her. If he was still alive today he wouldnt of let Harry anywhere near me. He would have seen the danger from a mile away. When I reached Emilys house I rang the doorbell and her mother Susan answered "Hi Frankie, Emily is in her room if you want to go up to her" she said. Emilys mother was always so nice. "Yeah if yere not busy" I replied.
"No not atall." I went up to her room and knocked on the door. "One second" She yelled.
When she opened the door we greeted each other. I walked into her bedroom and sat on her double bed. She was playing music through her water speakers. Ive always wanted water speakers. "So how did you get on at work?" She asked. "Well it was Fine untill Harry came in and told me I was going to a club with him tomorrow". "Frankie please stay away from him he is so dangerous". Emily said with concern in her tone of voice. "I know, I know, Im not going with him anyways My sister Jessica came home yesterday and she wants to see a movie tomorrow night and I would much prefer that than going clubing with him" I said.
"Well thats good I suppose". She replied. She walked across the room to her desk and took her laptop off of it and brought it over to her bed. She opened Google and typed in Facebook. When she logged into her account she went into her messages with Roy and said "Look this is proof that Lucas likes you".
I read the messages carefully and it said 2:37 a.m
Roy: Hey Emily !! Lucas is stayimg in my house tonight and I finally got it out of him because he is drunk and he likes Kelly.
Emily: Omg Seriously, Awh thats so cute. What did he say?
Roy: *Video Link*
Emily clicked into the Link to the video and Roy was recoring Lucas on his phone. Roy was saying "You know the way you like Frankie?".
"Yeah" Lucas said. "I mean no, no I dont like her".
"You just admitted you did Lucas I know when your lying".
"Right Okay I do but do not tell her I dont want things getting awkward between us". Lucas said nervously.
"No I wont".
Then the video stopped playing as it has ended. Emily looked at me then I looked at her I just bursted into laughter. It wasnt funny but I felt extremly awkward and nervous and I tend to laugh when I feel that way.
"So are you going to tell him you feel the same way?" Emily questioned.
"I dont know, Maybe you should because I wont know what to say and I'll get really awkward".
"Well can I tell Roy that you like him back?"
"I Suppose, If Lucas is going to know then it dosnt really have to be a secret" I replied. She yelled with happiness and then texted Roy that I likes Lucas back.
I got a text on my phone from Harry.
Hey guys I had no internet to post anything but I do now so Ill try my best to keep this story updated. Im going back to school in 3 days so I might'nt be able to do it every week because of homework and stuff but I'll update every two weeks or week anyways. Sorry this chapter wasnt that great it was only a filler but the next one will be good I promise. Well I will try my best anyways. What do you think Lucas will do when he finds out that Kelly likes him back? What will happen tomorrow night when Harry is let down. And what did Harry text Kelly? Please Comment as I love reading Comments and replying too them and please like. Thanks for reading !!

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