Chapter 19: Christmas party with the wolves

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Amelia glared at her high heels that were placed on front of her, thinking if she could wear them or not. Being the tall person, she was in huge dilema thinking if she was going to end up being taller than her boyfriend or not. She was tired too, once again she had to arrive to Wolfsburg and join Julian on that Christmas party she promised him that she will go on. Amelia certainly didn't know why he wanted her there mostly because she didn't want to worry over the pair of heels. Amelia had exactly five hours to decide if she was going to wear those shoes or not. For her hair, she didn't worry much because she had Hanna that morning to do her hair before she left for Wolfsburg for the second time that week. And it was only Tuesday.

Julian walked out from the bathroom after taking a shower, fully dressed into most comfortable pair of pants and t-shirt he could pull out of the closet. Feeling fresh and rather woken up, he continued walking to his living room where he found Amelia staring at her shoes intesily. He was sure that Amelia wasn't that merciless to Jody as she was to pair of poor heels.

He made his way to the other side so he could see her face, which was exactly like he imagined. Her eyes were darker than usually, eyebrows formed into frown and her lips pressed into thin line. Even her jaw kept clenching from time to time. Julian had no idea what was wrong with her shoes because to him they looked perfectly fine. He was a guy, every high heels were just high heels to him.

"Ami? Everything alright?" Julian asked making Amelia to direct her eyes to him. Her face and head didn't move which did give the impression of her being either angry or just not in the mood for talking.

"Well, I haven't thought about one thing when I brought my shoes with me." Amelia started, going back to stating at her elegant shoes. "My height."

"What about your height?"

"I'll probably end up over 6'2." Frown became much deeper now as Amelia spoke, wanting to kick herself badly for taking the wrong shoes.

"You would?" Julian raised his eyebrows, examining the shoes, still not seeing the problem. "I'll still don't get it."

"I'll be taller than you, remember, I'm like 5'10."

"Models are tall too and they wear high heels." Julian said honestly. "Like Victoria's Secret angels, models, whatever they are."

"They are actually pretty, Jule." Amelia didn't send him a look this time.

"And no one said that you aren't." He said, reassuring her slightly. "C'mon, put them on and see if you're taller than me." With a slight huff and grunt, Amelia got up and put her high heels on that looked really uncomfortable to Julian. He could not understand the female population and their desire to torture themselves for the useless fasion show. Amelia walked over Julian and stood next to him. Luckily, she was shorter for 2cm. "Oh look, you're not taller than me."

"Barely but, yeah." She smiled, relief coming back and the worry disappearing slowly.

"I also wanted to ask you what are you going to wear tonight." Julian jumped on couch, giving the sign to Amelia to join him there.

"A dress"

"I figured that much. What kind of dress?" He asked again, this time when Amelia was laying next to him on that couch they liked to spend their time on.

"Red dress. Long sleeved and it reaches my knees. It is very elegant actually." She said shortly, making sure that her hair still looked okay. It was simple bun but Amelia didn't feel like taking care of her hair too.

"That will be something new to see. I have seen you in a dress once, and you wore flip-flops." Amelia chuckled, remembering the summer when she had her hand in cast. "And your hand was slightly messed up too."

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