Chapter Twenty-Two

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"We gotta go! Grab your things; let's move it, Laura!" I opened my eyes in shock. Clawd was staring at me as he threw things into suitcases, throwing the full ones out the window. I got out of my bed and went to the window, watching as my father caught the suitcases Clawd flung out the window.

"What's going on, Clawd?" He looked away from me, kept packing up everything that belonged to his family and himself. "Clawd?" I was beginning to become worried. What had a woke up to?

"Come on," he stared at me from outside. One hand held onto the window frame, the other outstretched towards me. "We have to go!" I was scared. With no idea what was happening. I ran towards he window and grabbed his hand as he jumped backwards off the building, landing us both on the ground.

"On the train! Move it; move it!" My father shouted. The train was already leaving, without us. My dad held his hand out, waiting for us to catch up to the train. Clawd grabbed my hand and ran, pulling me along with him. By the basics of it all, he launched me towards my father, forcing me to grab his hand. Clawd ran up behind me and grabbed my dad's hand. I walked slowly to the corner of the train car we were in. I was dizzy from being drug around like that right after I was woken up. Clawd slowly shuffled over to me, grunting when he hit the floor.

"What happened? Why'd we leave?" He ran his hand through his hair and rubbed at his eyes.

"My dad and them... They all went home yesterday," he paused. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to know what had happened anymore. Still, I waited patiently for him to continue. "You know how Dad's a construction worker?" I nodded. "He, uh, he was working on the De Nile's place and...... You've seen that place, right? How tall it is?" My breath caught in my throat as I realized what Clawd was about to say. "He was on the top of that place, Laura. The top of that building. Storm blew through.... Knocked him right off the roof...." He closed his eyes and bit down on his knuckle. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug. I rocked him like a mother would a baby.

"It'll all be ok, Clawd. It'll all be ok," and it would all be ok. Nothing bad could happen to Clawrk. He was a werewolf. He was basically immortal; like me. He would be just fine and I knew it. You never had to worry about the Wolf family going extinct or anything; they couldn't die. They were werewolves. And that's why Clawrk would be just fine. He was immortal...... Just like me......


I guess I hadn't realized it, but I had dozed off in the train car. For what it was worth, Clawd had, too. Him sleeping was going to be the only way to keep his mind off of his dad. Maybe sleeping was a good thing for him, right now. I didn't know why he was so worried about his dad. He'd be just fine. Every werewolf out there would always be just fine. Every single one of them could make it through anything. I knew that and Clawd should know it, too.

"How much longer, sir?" That's when I noticed that Clawdeen was in the train car with us. I hadn't noticed her there until now. Clawd made it sound like they had all went home. Why had Clawdeen stayed, but everyone else had gone?

"About another two hours, Clawdeen. Sleeping is going to be the best thing for you, right now..... Look at that. Draculaura is up. Why don't you go over there. Talk to her about your day or whatever you teens talk about now a days," Clawdeen crawled over to the corner I was sitting in. She looked tired and too worried to care.

"You heard about it all?" Clawdeen asked in a quiet voice. Her eyes were red, from both lack of sleep and crying. I nodded and reached out to pull her to my other side. Clawd was still sleeping on my right side, so I couldn't move. Within minutes of me talking to Clawdeen, she was asleep. Sound asleep on my left side. It was weird. Sometimes, being a vampire, not even a mother, you still had Morley instincts. I guess I never knew what that meant, "motherly instincts", until now. It was nice to be able to make someone feel better simply by talking to them. It made me feel all warm inside. And warmth felt good. It was rare for a vampire to feel any warmth at all.

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