Chapter Sixteen

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Dougey sat there with his arms crossed, staring at me. I was out of breath from running for that long, and I hadn't said a single word for the four minutes that I had been there.

"What was so important that you had to run all the way here, Dracualura? Really, nothing can be that special," I sat up in the chair and looked at him.

"I know where your family is, Dougey. The family that Hellscream took you from. I know where they are," he made a sound, like a low growl, kind of like he was laughing at me.

"That's not possible. I don't have a family," he turned from me, leaning on the kitchen counter, looking out the window.

"Whether or not you believe it, you have one. And they remember you. They remember the day that you were taken. He day you were abducted. It was several days after your baby brother was born. You were outside, Dougey. And he just took you. Wouldn't you like to see the family that raised you? The family that loves you?" He scoffed, still looking out the window.

"A family that raised me for a year? A family that loved me for a year? The family that let me get stolen out of what I thought was the safety of my own home? That family?" I put my face in my hands, now feeling like an idiot, since that's how Dougey was talking to me. Now, I ignored him. He was actually talking to me, but I figured that the more I ignored him, the more understanding he became. The more he wanted to listen to me.

"Please. They miss you, Dougey. They don't even know that you're alive, right now. I do you feel about that? They think Hellscream took you, experimented a little bit, and then just threw you out. Your mother, your real mother, was crying today when she did out that I saw Hellscream. She was devastated. I have never seen a monster that sad before. Seriously, it was really sad, Dougey. I don't care if you stay there with them; I just want to you to see them. Let them know that you're alive," he nodded and walked toward the door.

"Well, come on then. Obviously you know the way there."

I sat in the passenger seat of his truck, giving him directions to the Wolf house. That was the only conversation that we had had. I still felt like an idiot from our previous conversation. It was aggravating, honestly. No one had ever talked to me like that. I was much older than Dougey was. He should respect his elders.

"Stop here," he cut the engine and opened his door. I opened my door and jumped out of the truck, slamming the door shut behind me.

"Harriet, Clawrk, I have someone that you might like to meet. This is Dougey," I gestured to the door as he stepped inside. Harriet cocked her head to the side as she stared at him, trying it figure out what I meant. "He's your son. The one Hellscream took. He's the only known monster to ever escape his clutches," Harriet's eye were watering, and I knew that she was just fighting back tears. She went about to get attached to something that could be taken away from her again. She stood up from the chair and walked toward Dougey. Tentatively, she reached out for his face, lightly placing her hand on his cheek.

"Is that true?" Dougey shrugged, seeming to have almost no emotion. Even I could see the disappointment rise in her expression, the hope for her son being crushed at its very soul. I closed my eyes, holding back the tears that threatened to overcome me. I was trying to keep my strength, for Harriet. I looked up at Dougey in disgust. I had found his family for him and he thought nothing of it. Like it wasn't anything important.

"How can you just not know?" Clawrk asked, leaning against the table in the dining room. Dougey simply shrugged again.

"Look at his eyes, Harriet. Only your pack has that color. All werewolves might have golden eyes, but energy pack, every family, has their own tint," I said quietly. Her eyes moved back and forth, searching for what I was talking about. Tears sprung to her eyes as a smile spread across her face.

"You're my son. My little baby," Harriet's hand dropped to her sides as she continued to look at Dougey. "Can I hug you?" Once again, she wasn't going to get attached to something that might leave her.

"I'd rather you not," Harriet was hurt. She backed off from him and went back to Clawrk, burying her face in be chest. Clawrk wrapped his arms around his wife and looked and Dougey.

"Get out of my house. I don't ever want you back here. Whether you are or aren't my son, you are no longer welcome here if that's how you choose to treat my family, then leave," Clawrk said sternly. Dougey opened the door and walked out, slamming the door behind him. I turned around and flung the door open, catching up with him right before he got in his truck. I grabbed his arm and turned him around to look at me.

"You want to know something? I lost my mother when I was just a little girl. I watched my mother die in front of me. Yours is alive and healthy, waiting for you to love her, and you treat her like that?"

"I didn't know that about you, Draculaura."

"I don't care what you know now or what you did know then. My mother and I became very sick and she died. Dracula turned me into a vampire to see me from death. He saved me because he couldn't save the woman he loved. How do you feel about that? I watched my own mother die and you treat yours like that? You disgust me," I let go of his arm and walked back to the house.

"Wait. Can you ask her to come out here?" I came back outside with Harriet at my side. "I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't want to hurt you. But, I'm not a very touchy person. If you can understand that."

"After what you've been through, I could understand. I wish that I could've prevented that from happening when it did. You know?" I watched them talk. She stood at the door of the house while Dougey stood clear across the way, almost on the street.

"No matter what, I'm not going to blame on my parents any more. Draculaura shed some light on that one. I may of had it rough, but to girl, she's had it worse. You still want a hug?" Harriet nodded and walked up to Dougey. She paused for a couple seconds before she flung her arms around him, giving him the motherly hug that he hadn't had in seventeen years.

"You're welcome back here anytime. You understand me?" Dougey nodded, letting go of her waist.

"Draculaura knows where I live. You can ask her for that. Same with a phone number. I'll talk to you guys later. And, um, tell... Dad that I'm sorry," Deugi climbed into his truck and started the engine, driving off. Harriet smiled and walked back to me. She threw her arms around me and rocked slightly.

"I'll never be able to thank you enough for finding him for us."

"If only you guys would've told me about him sooner. I've known about him for almost seven years."

"Seven years? He's been out of Hellscream's grip for ten years?" I nodded as we walked back into the house. Harriet shook her head and hugged me again. "Thank you, Draculaura. I don't know what my family would do without you."

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