Chapter Twelve

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The dance was a lot cooler than I thought it would be. There were games, like checkers, chess, Wii sports, and Guitar Hero. And, for what it's worth, I was totally winning against Clawd at Wii tennis.

"This is coming off," with the Wii remote still in his hand, Clawd threw the jacket from his tuxedo on a chair, leaving his white shirt and pink tie on. A lot of monsters had laughed at him for the pink tie, but it matched the color of my dress and that was why he was wearing it.

"Pausing it really quick," I paused the game and Clawd basically fell to the ground from exhaustion. I giggled as I walked over to Thad and grabbed his hand, dragging him over to Clawdeen.

"Thad, Clawdeen. Clawdeen, Thad. There, you two are officially together for the rest of tonight," I stuck Clawdeen's hand in Thad's and pushed them onto the dance floor. Thad was my very sensitive cousin and I was hoping that Clawdeen would be nice to him for at least tonight.

"Ok. I'm back, let's finish this," by finish this, I meant I was going to whoop Clawd at this last round of Wii tennis. I was right because I did whoop him. I jumped up in triumph, Clawd stood there staring at me.

"You should feel lucky. I let you win that, you know. I didn't want to beat my date," he slipped the strap off of his wrist and handed the remote to Romulus. Abbey hit Clawd's arm and laughed, as did I.

"Don't lie to little vampire."

"Ok, you beat me, fair and square," Clawd wrapped his arm around my waist, which was only possible because I was wearing heels.

"Try this," I said, grabbing a plastic fork off the food table and sticking it in the fruit salad. He raised an eyebrow, questioning the food. He shrugged and took the fork from me, taking a bite of watermelon and cantaloupe.

"Is that all you eat?"

"Just about. Fruit is better for you than whatever you werewolves eat," Clawd laughed and stuck his arm out towards me.

"May I have this dance?" I nodded and took his hand and we walked out onto the dance floor. I rested my head on his chest after the first minute of the song. It was only eight, but I was worn out. I had played Wii tennis for almost half an hour, winning every round against Clawd, might I add.

"I think Clawdeen and Thad hit it off," I glanced over their way and smiled. They were dancing, but they were talking, too. "You did good on that match. Better than Cupid's first set," I knew Clawd was referring to himself and Cleo. Cupid had set them up, it wasn't their choice. Cupid's arrow just wasn't strong enough to break through to Cleo's heart. She was more interested in herself than any boy. She had kind of gotten past that, though, as she had started dating Deuce not that long ago. Right after Clawd broke it off with her.

"Good. I was trying to give them both something to do tonight, instead of standing against the wall texting."

"I think you succeeded. Now, what? Are yo gunna set Howleen up with someone, too?"

"Hmmmm, don't give me any ideas," I reached my hand up and tapped the end of his nose with my index finger and giggled when it twitched like a rabbit's nose would. The song came to a stop and so did we.

"I think its time we get you home," Clawd said, looking down at me. I nodded, yawning into my hand. He walked over to Clawdeen, supporting all of my weight since I was too tired to walk.

"I'm taking Laura to our house. She'll be waiting for the sleepover. Ok?"

"Alright. Make her get some rest, first. She has to stay awake for the whole night," Clawdeen gave me a quick side hug, as my other side was pushed against Clawd's side. We walked out into the warm air of the night. There was a slight breeze, a warm breeze, but it was there. It was something I rarely got to experience. I spent so much time putting on sunscreen that by the time I was done, there was no sun, or breeze, left. On the bright side, the night was my time. I could see in the dark better than most creatures... On a normal night. I guess I was too tired to see anything clearly, everything was kind of blurred.

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