Why Do You Fight?

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I slammed my fist into the Soc's nose and he went down with a cry of surprise and pain before stumbling to his feet, yelling swear words at me before angrily getting in the car with his buddy.  They drove off  with a squeal of tires, and Pony braced his hands on his knees, panting.

When he had caught his breath he straightened up, wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth away with the back of his hand.  Apparently he'd gotten punched in the face and now had a split lip, but I was just fine.

"Why do you always fight?" he asked me as we continued on our way to his house.

"Cause people are assholes," I remarked, seeing as how it was the most true, and viable, reason I could come up with.

"No, I mean why do you fight? What's your reason?" he rephrased it, pausing before adding, "The only good reason I can think of is self-defense."

"I would assume it's because I don't particularly enjoy guys talking crap to me," I answered sarcastically.

"You could just walk away," Pony suggested.

"And let them treat me like I'm worthless, make them think I have no guts and can't stand up for myself?" I shot back, my voice full of disgusted contempt.

"No.  Be the better person," he insisted, like it was common knowledge.  "Half the time they're only doing it to get a rise out of you," he remarked.

"I doubt it," I said bitterly in response to the second half of his comment.

"Well you never know.  They're people too, just like us," he mused, and I couldn't deny that he made a very good point.   Actually I could, it'd just be lying, so I didn't.

Him and his stupid brain.  And me and my stupid brain, we were both too smart for our own good.

I didn't say anything more, trying to avoid thinking about it but entertaining the notion all the same.

Just like we didn't fit the Greaser mold, maybe some of them didn't fit the Soc mold.  I didn't smoke or drink or wear sleazy clothes, some of them could actually work for their money instead of getting it from their parents or care about something more than money or clothes.

That sure was my revelation for the day, but I shoved it to the back of my mind.  Cause the whole Soc-Greaser stereotypes were cause the majority of them were like that, so I'd run into one of them like that more often than not.


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