Wow Is An Interjection

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Pony looked up as the door slammed, and his eyes widened as his jaw dropped when he saw Tara sullenly standing there in a dress.  A dress!  And she looked amazing, despite the frown on her face.  Her hair was down, as always, but she was wearing make-up that made her normally cold blue eyes look large and mysterious.

The red and black knee-length halter dress accentuated her usually unnoticeable curves, even more so than the tank tops and jeans she borrowed from Kate a few times.  It was red with black straps, a black leather belt buckled at the waist, and a fringe of black tulle peeking out from under the hem.  And she had on a pair of velvety black boots with a slight heel, the cuffs just above her ankles.

Soda saw Pony gaping at Tara and grinned, telling his brother, "Close your mouth, you're letting the flies in."

Pony snapped his mouth shut with a click of his teeth and went over by her.  "You look..." he paused, searching for words before settling on, "Wow."

She raised an eyebrow and stated, "Wow is an interjection, not an adjective," and Pony grinned at her sarcastic response to a compliment like that, but he thought he saw a blush creeping up her cheeks.  Unless that was make-up, but as far as he knew she was only wearing eye shadow and mascara.

They were all going to a formal party for one of Darry's construction company's clients, so Tara was wearing a dress and all the guys had dress pants, button-up shirts, and ties.  It was very formal, and there would probably be a bunch of Socs present, but Darry had practically begged them all to go so they did, since he did so much for them all the time. 

Pony was wearing black cargo dress pants and black boots, with a light blue button-up and a light blue, black, and red striped tie that sort of unintentionally matched Tara's outfit.

"Come on, let's go," he said as they headed outside.

They were taking Two-Bit's car and Dally had borrowed Buck's T-bird again.  Pony and Tara climbed in the backseat of the T-bird, Dally was driving and Johnny was riding shotgun, with Soda, Steve, Darry, and Two-Bit taking Two-Bit's car.

Pony couldn't stop staring at his beautiful girlfriend the whole way there, the wind whipping her hair all over, a smile on her face and her ice-blue eyes sparkling in the sunshine as she laughed at something Dally had said.

She literally took his breath away, though he supposed she would say it was only the wind.

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