Dance (,) Battle

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Note to Readers: This one comes between Wow Is An Interjection and More Feen. Also, I apologize because the language in this one is a little worse than it normally is. Hope you like it, and don't forget to comment and vote!

"Do you want to dance?" Pony asked me as a slow song started playing. We had been sitting at the party that one of the clients of the construction company Darry worked for was hosting for almost as hour, and I was bored out of my mind.

"I hate dancing, but fine," I answered, getting up and following him out onto the dance floor only because I figured I could be nice. He placed one hand on my shoulder and the other on my lower back, drawing me closer to him.

"Thank you," Pony said.

"For what?" I asked him as I glanced around at the other couples on the dance floor before tentatively putting my hands on his shoulders like everyone else was doing.

"For everything. Dressing up nice and wearing make-up and dancing with me even though I know you hate it," he answered as we started swaying back and forth in time to the music. I found slow dancing kind of pointless, but oh well.

"It's not like I had much of a choice," I remarked, noticing that Pony actually wasn't that much taller than me, only by a couple of inches.

"I suppose Dally made you, huh?" he asked understandingly.

"Oh yeah. He was even going to buy me make-up, but I borrowed some from Kate instead," I told him.

"Well did I tell you yet that you look amazing?" Pony asked me with a small smile.

"I'm pretty sure the word you used was wow, but yeah. Thanks. You look really nice, too," I said with a smile. He did, in his black dress pants and boots, a blue shirt, and a matching striped tie.

"Are you actually saying something that's not insulting to me for once?" Pony asked mockingly, and I laughed, smacking him playfully on the arm before putting my hands back on his shoulders.

We continued dancing in silence for a while, and all the sudden someone grabbed me around the waist and spun me away from Ponyboy, my red circle skirt whirling out around me, before I stopped myself from spinning by holding myself steady against the first solid thing I touched, the broad chest of the person who had grabbed me. When I saw the chiseled face of a curly dirty blonde haired Soc grinning devilishly down at me, I immediately shoved away from him, ready to punch the guy.

He laughed and asked, "Come on baby, don't you want to dance?"

Before I had a chance to tell him off for calling me 'baby', Ponyboy stormed up to us, madder than I'd ever seen him, and demanded, "Who do you think you are just grabbing my girlfriend like that?!"

"I'm sure she likes me a hell of a lot better than she likes you, asshole," the Soc sneered.

"You damn bastard, leave her alone!" Pony yelled.

I noticed that everyone had stopped dancing, though the music was still playing clearly, and were staring at us, and I saw the gang hovering nearby, ready to jump into a fight if need be. I didn't even know what to say, usually I'm the one defending myself not having Pony do it for me, but I was so shocked I didn't even open my mouth.

"Don't you talk to me like that you shitty piece of white trash! I'll do what I please to your damn girlfriend!" the Soc screamed.

"You touch her and you'll be sorry you ever laid eyes on her," Pony threatened, and I could tell he meant it by the blaze sparking in his greeny-gray eyes.

"I really doubt that, greaser," he said, and before anyone could blink, he rammed his fist into Pony's gut and as Ponyboy doubled over cringing in pain, he grabbed Pony's head and cracked it on his knee.

Everyone could hear the unmistakable crunch of bones breaking. Pony crumbled to the ground in a heap, clutching his stomach, blood streaming from his swelling nose. Fury bubbled up inside of me, and I glanced at Pony before immediately slamming my fist into the Soc's face, nailing him right in the eye.

He growled, "Bitch!" at me, lunging, but I backed up and with a shrug smarted off, "You may be right," grabbing the fist he was trying to plow into my gut and twisting his arm at a painful angle, "but that's your problem, not mine."

I let him go and shoved him forwards, and he stumbled a few feet--stopping before he face planted the refreshments table like I'd hoped--before whirling again and grabbing me in a headlock. I tried to wiggle free, but he was strong and way bigger than me, and the damn dress I was wearing made it hard for me to kick him.

His fist collided with my middle, and I sucked in a sharp breath as fireworks exploded painfully in my chest, gasping as another blow from his concrete fist set off firecrackers inside of me.

The pain was so extreme everything in front of me, the floor, shocked expressions on nameless faces, Pony curled up in a ball on the ground with Soda next to him, all blurred and then black spots danced across my line of vision.

I didn't even have the strength to fight or get out of the constricting headlock I was in, but suddenly the Soc released me, and I fell to the floor, gratefully sucking in shallow painful breaths that made my lungs burn.

I heard grunting and yelling behind me, someone was next to me saying something, but all I could see was Ponyboy on the floor a couple feet away, blood pooling on the floor, all over his shirt, spattering his hands and the red-splotched handkerchief Soda was holding to his nose.

I got to my feet, knowing the person next to me that kept saying things I wasn't listening to was Dally without even having to look at him. Half doubled over but still on my feet, arms wrapped around my middle like I could somehow keep the pain contained inside of me, I went over by Pony, dropping to my knees beside him.

He must've seen me, though for some reason his eyelids were swollen, and a quiet, garbled, "You a'ight?" came out of his mouth.

"Yeah, I'll be all right," I lied, because right now I couldn't tell which one of us was worse.

"Mih nose won't 'top bleedin'," he said as Soda and I tried to help him to his feet.

I was pretending my chest didn't hurt near as much as it did, though it was kind of hard since I could barely breathe.

"Come on bud, we're taking you to the hospital. Your nose is broken," Soda told Pony, still clutching a more-red-than-white white handkerchief to his nose to soak up the blood.

"You too," Dally told me, grabbing my arm and making me walk next to him as we left.

"No, I'm-" I stopped to catch a breath, "I'll be okay," I wheezed.

Oh man, now I was seeing blurry images and spots again.

"I heard your ribs crack. You're going to the hospital," Dally said sternly, but his voice sounded far away.

I barely noticed that my brother was practically carrying me as he held me up right while I stumbled across the parking lot to Buck's car, but I did notice the darker splash of red on the red skirt of my dress.

At least now I had an excuse to not wear the dress again, I thought stupidly to myself as everything dissolved into the fuzzy state of a dream.

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