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"Morning beautiful," I heard Pony say, and I rolled over on the couch to face him only to see him leaning over me with a grin on his face.

"What have I told you about calling me stuff like that?" I asked accusingly, glaring up at him.

"I know, no pet names.  Sorry, Tiger," he teased, and I sat up abruptly on the couch.

"How do you know that?" I asked suspiciously, not sure if I wanted to hit him for calling me that or not.  Kate was the only one that knew about that, seeing as how her brother had given me the nickname when he was particularly drunk.

"Two-Bit told me," Pony answered with a smirk.

"I'm gonna kill him," I threatened, getting off the couch--I had stayed at the Curtis's last night cause I knew Dal was drunk at home--and scanning the Curtis's house for any sign of Two-Bit.

But he wasn't there,  as Pony promptly informed me.

"Oh good, then I'll just kill you instead for calling me that," I told him, wrapping my arm around his throat from behind.

"No you won't," he said, sure of himself.

"Wanna bet?" I gloated, tightening my arm around his neck, not really planning on killing him, but I had to make the threat seem real.

"Ponyboy, get in here!" Darry yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah, you might want to save my little brother's funeral for later," Soda remarked, having heard Darry and seen me trying to choke my boyfriend as he came into the living room.

I begrudgingly let Pony go and called after him, "Find Two-Bit or you're dead."

"Why does he need to find Two-Bit?" Soda asked me.

I wasn't telling him about the Tiger thing, too, so I replied, "I just decided to kill someone today.  It's either Two-Bit or Pony, unless of course you'd like to volunteer," I said sarcastically.

Soda grinned and shook his head, answering, "Thanks for the offer, but no."

I headed out the door to go beat some sense into Two-Bit once I found him.

Dallas Winston Has A Sister? 2 (Outsiders Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now