im okay with that

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Title: I'm Okay With That

Genre: fluff

Warnings: cross-dressing kinda-ish (not rly bc he's both genders?), aselfconsciousphil

Words: 561

Summary: Phil tells his long-distance Dan that he's bigender weeeee

A/N help my mom is having sex I'm crying

3rd POV

Phil was nervous, so nervous that he was literally about to cry. He was going to tell his long-distance boyfriend-person (they haven't discussed what they are necessarily, but they like each other, so that's how Phil refers to it) that he is bigender. He was nervous because he really liked Dan and didn't want him to hate Phil, even though in his mind he knew he'd be okay with it; he was very open-minded and said he'd accept Phil however he came. Today was also the day they would Skype for the first time in their three month friendship. They'd sent pictures and stuff back and forth, but today, they're actually going to Skype.

His computer sounded out a ding. He looked to see a message from Dan. "You ready, lion?" it read. He took a deep breath , straightened out his outfit of the day, which included a pair of leggings, stripy knee socks, and a baggy light blue shirt, and replied, yeah, lets do this xx.

Shortly after, he heard the ring of a video call. He accepted it and Dan's face slowly focused into view on the pixellated screen.
Phil smiled widely at the camera and Dan's mouth opened slightly. Phil's smile faltered. "Dan? Are you okay?" He heard Dan's breath hitch in the middle of his sentence. Now he was really scared. "Dan?" His eyes were watering, and Dan cleared his throat and said, "Sorry, you're just so beautiful..." he looked down and tried to hide his noticeable blush, hoping the camera quality aided him in his efforts.

Phil discreetly wiped at his eyes as Dan looked down, also trying to hide something from him. "Really?" Phil said, his voice wavering slightly. "Yeah, why wouldn't you?" Dan asked with a giggle. Phil smiled and said, "Well, I dressed... kind of girly today..." he looked down and picked a lint off his socks.

"Phil, I told you I would accept whoever you are." I smiled and exhaled heavily.

"I like to dress this way, and I'm bigender. You know what that is, right?" Phil said, looking up through his fringe.

"Yes, Phil, I do, and I am completely okay with that. Also I love your voice. Is that weird to say? I'm sorry..." Phil let out a laugh and said, "No! Its really flattering, actually. I like yours, too, all posh. It suits you, really."

Dan let out a groan and rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm not posh!" He pouted his lip and Phil smiled lovingly at him.

"Thank you for accepting it. No one at school really likes it, and my parents took a little convincing to accept me. It means a lot to me." Phil said, his eyes watering again, this time from being happy. He was so emotional sometimes.

Dan looked at him, raw emotion sprouting out in his gaze. "I would never do something as stupid as not accepting you, Phil. I don't want to lose you, you mean way too much to me." The raven haired boy smiled widely at this, and they just looked at each other for a minute.

"I love you." Phil said suddenly. The other boy's eyes got wide and he smiled a dimply toothy grin. "I love you, too, lion."

A/N its short and slightly trash but I liked the idea and wrote it quickly hope you like it!

(Edit: omg I'm angry I wrote a ~2500 oneshot and wattpad decided to delete 1/5 of it jdjsksbfj)

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