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"There's my girls! Ah I missed you cupcake!" My dad says when he sees us. Running towards his voice, Alex jumps into her grandfather's open arms. In a whisper he says to me "How is everything?"

 "Everything is fine. Nothing to worry about. Alex is getting better at making her way around by herself without getting hurt." I whisper back. He nods then I say "Where's mum?"

 "She's back at the house cooking. Don't tell her I told you, but she's throwing you a huge welcome home party. I'm pretty sure she invited the whole town too. Crazy woman.." He said the last part jokingly. Even though they've been married 42 years they still love each other so very much. My dad buys my mom flowers every week and has never forgotten any of their anniversaries. I've aways admired my parent's relationship. They were each other's first kiss,first love,first everything. They'd known each other since they were in diapers and started dating at 15 when my mom was allowed to date. Cliche right? Well here is the most cliche part; he proposed to her at Disney Land during a fireworks show.

 When we get to the car I buckle Alex up while my dad puts our luggage into the trunk. 

 "Mommy?" Alex asks once we're on the road.

 "What is it sweetie?" I reply.

 "Am I ever going to meet daddy?" Once those words came out of her mouth I tensed up.

 "Um..I don't know sweetheart." I say honestly.

 "Mommy...if I ever do meet daddy..will he love me?" She asks. Immediately my eyes widen and my whole body tenses. I look over at my dad and he glances at me before looking back at the road.

 "Well cupcake every parent loves their child deep down. Even if they don't show it." My dad says. I look back at Alexandria. She just nods then picks her blankie up off the floor.

 "Gwandpa?" She asks.

 "Yes cupcake?" He says.

 "You said you would tell me the stowy about my bwankie." She says cheerfully.

 "Yes I did! And I will tell you...once we get home." He responds.

 "Otay!"She exclaims.

 I look over at my dad and smile at him. I'm really not looking forward to Alexandria knowing the story behind that blanket...

 "Welcome home Ali. I hope you're ready to be ambushed by about ,oh I don't know, the whole town?" My dad says chuckling.

 "I've been ready for this moment my whole life dad." I say sarcastically. I get Alex out of the car and set her down on the ground. "Don't move Alex." I tell her sternly. She gives me a cheeky smile and nods. I grab Alex's tiny suitcase and hand it to her. Then I grab my own and take Alex's hand. "You ready to see grandma honey?" I ask Alex looking down at her. She looks up at me and nods excitedly.

 "C'mon Ali. You can't put this off forever." My dad says. He grabs our remaining luggage and starts towards the house. I sigh and follow my dad. He stops at the front door and unlocks it. He gives me a reassuring smile before opening the door and walking through. I take a deep breath and follow him.

 "SURPRISE!" I force a smile onto my face and tighten my grip on Alex's hand so she won't walk off and hurt herself.

 "Welcome home honey!" My mom says walking towards me with her arms wide open. I let go of Alex's hand and walk into my mother's arms.

 "It's good to be back mom." I respond pulling away.

 "Let me just look at you sweetie" She says holding me at arms length. "You've changed so much." She adds. A few tears escape her eye.

 "I haven't changed that much mom." I reply. She lets go and wipes away her tears.

 "Well I haven't seen you in over a year. this Alexandria?" My mother asks tentatively. I nod. Her eyes widen and she kneels down so she's eye to eye with Alex. "Hey honey. It's grandma. I've missed you so much." She says hugging Alex. Alex smiles and hugs her back tightly. I smile at the two and finally look around the room. I see lots of old friends and most of my family. Then I see him. In the corner stood the guy who changed my whole life.

Niall James Horan.

~Author's Note~


I'd just been super busy with school. But school is out now! So I will have more time for writing!

Keep on reading and spread the word about my story to your friends. Thanks!


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