Movie Night

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"Alright. Go home." Gibbs said to the team. McGee grabbed his stuff but Ziva and Tony stayed at their desks. 

"I said go home." Gibbs said to them.

"I have to finish this report. I will leave soon." Ziva said smiling.

"And I'm going to stay here throwing things at Ziva." Tony said balling up a piece of paper.

"Please. Take him with you." Ziva pleaded to McGee.

"Don't kill him, David. Sometimes he comes in handy." Gibbs called from the elevator. And with that they were gone.

"Ready?" Tony asked.

"Not yet." Ziva said looking down at her papers.


"Be patient, Tony." Ziva said.

There was the elevator ding and McGee came out. "Sorry, forgot my keys. Ok. NOW I'm going."

"Phone." Ziva said not looking up.

Tim turned in his tracks and went back to his desk.

"Now you are good." Ziva said.

"Thanks. See you tomorrow." McGee said leaving.

"Now?" Tony whined.

Ziva looked up and smile. "Now," she said, her nose squinshing up.

Tony jumped out of his chair and turned on the plasma near his desk. He put something into his computer then wheeled his chair over to get a good view. While he was getting that ready Ziva got up and ran to the conference room to make popcorn. She came with her chair pulled up next to Tony, all the lights in the office were off.

"What tonight?" She asked taking her seat and offering him some popcorn.

"Well I know how much you like romantic comedies-"

"I do not like romantic comedies. I like Sandra Bullock. There is a difference." Ziva said throwing popcorn at him.

"BUT, we aren't gonna watch one. I got us a horror films." Tony said materofactly.

"Like we do not get enough horror in our lives."

"Do you want to watch the movie or not?" Tony asked grumpily.

"Fine, fine. What do you have planned?" Ziva sighed.

"Well, my dear ninja. First we have Physco. Then The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Followed by Scream. And finishing with The Exorcist."

"Those do not sound very scary." Ziva scoffed sinking into her chair and putting her feet up.

"These don't sound.... NOT SCARY??" Tony yelled.

"Nope. I have lived scarier." Ziva said taking a handful of popcorn.

"Yeah well, still. They are some of the scariest movies made." Tony huffed.

"Are you going to hit play or should I go home?"

"Fine, fine. Prepare to cuddle up to me for safety." Tony said hitting play.

"Is that what you really want Tony?" Ziva asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Shhh it's starting." Tony said quickly.

For most of the movies they just laughed at them. Yelling how stupid the kids in the shows were. What was realistic and not. They even had a few chats on what they would have done in those cases. However, these being some of the scariest movies that Tony could think of, there were times when the films got to both of them. Twice a movie Ziva jumped a little and tired to reach for her gun. Tony, being a good partner he was, wrapped an arm around her shoulders to protect her. That was how they fell asleep, with Ziva leaning on Tony with his arm wrapped around her and with both of them covered in popcorn. And that was how McGee found them the next morning.

"Abbs," he whispered into the phone.

"What Tim, why are you whispering? Are you okay? Did Tony glue you to something?"

"No, not yet. Come up here, now. And please be quite."

While he waited for Abby, McGee took a few photos then sent them to his email. Those could come in handy for later.

"Tim, Tim what is it?" Abby whisper-yelled coming around the corner.

"That." McGee said pointing at Tony and Ziva.

"Oh my God. This is too perfect. Oh, we need pictures." She said jumping up and down.

"Shh Abby, I already got them. And backed them up." Tim grinned. "Now, how do we wanna wake them up?"

"Wake who up, McGee?" Gibbs said coming around the corner with coffee in hand.

"Them." Abby smiled leaning on McGees desk as he sat down at it.

Gibbs sighed and put his coffee cup on his desk. He went up behind Tony and Ziva and slapped them both on the back of their heads.

Ziva grabbed her gun and jumped to her feet, scanning the room for an insane person with a chainsaw. Tony jumped up holding his head yelling "Take McGee!" While he went for his gun on his desk.

"Really Tony?" McGee whined.

"Oh, hey boss. While Ziva was working I put in a movie and next thing I know we were arguing about what we would do if a crazy person with a chainsaw came for us. Turned it into a marathon." Tony said quickly.

Ziva calmed down and holstered her gun. "I would rather have watched Practical Magic again." She said going to her desk to grab her overnight gear.

"Oh, like you didn't love Texas Chainsaw Massacre?" Tony asked sarcastically gabbing his.

"I had nightmares. And so did you. You talk in your sleep." She shot back.

"Yeah, well you snore." Tony countered.

"Did you two get married and not tell me?" Gibbs asked sitting at his desk.

"I am going to change." Ziva huffed.

"Me two." Tony said.

"Be sure to go to different bathrooms!" Gibbs hollered while Abby and McGee giggled.

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