Chapter 12: home sweet home

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Sorry this chapter is a bit short but I hope you enjoy anyway x

Nick awoke to carla wriggling beside him, he had an alright sleep considering he was on a hospital bed. He had awoken a couple of times in the night and each time would look to his side and make sure Carla was ok. It was 8:30am and people were starting to move around the corridor, hospital staff were checking on patients making sure they were okay. At that moment the curtain was being slightly pulled back by a nurse. "Hey, just seeing if your okay" she whispered trying not to wake carla. "No need to whisper, I'm already awake" Carla said as she slowly sat up in her bed, adjusting her eyes to the surrounding light. Nick looked at her and smiled, he placed his hand in hers gently rubbing the top of her hand with his thumb. "So is everything ok? Need anything?" The nurse asked. "Oh um, a drink of water would be nice" Carla said cracking a slight smile. "Sure. I'll be back in a minute" the nurse explained as she turned away and wandered down the corridor. Nick curled Carla's hair behind her ear. "Sweetheart how are you feeling" he asked her. She tilted her head up and looked him in the eyes. "Yeah I'm feeling a bit better today actually, it's just emotional pain that I'm feeling really at the moment." At that moment he nurse came back with a glass of water. "Here you are carla, hope your feeling alright" she said before smiling and leaving. Carla's eyes welled up with tears, she swallowed trying to hide this from nick but she didn't succeed. "Hey hey hey, come here" nick said turning and wrapping her in his arms. She could hear her crying into his arms, but she felt safe, his embrace made her feel like she was truly loved. "Nick" Carla cried. "Yeah" he replied while stroking her hair as she was still buried in his chest. "I, I can't believe I've lost another child, obviously I'm just not meant to be a mother am I, I mean carla connor with a child, it's unrealistic nick, I'm just not born to be a mother" she cried. Nick was shocked at what she was saying, but he was happy she was comfterble to share this with him. Nicks eyes welled up with tears after hearing her confide in him about her thoughts. "Carla, sweetheart, you would make a brilliant mother, your caring, loving, and true to yourself most if the time, don't give up hope just yet" he said trying to do his best in comforting her. Carla lifted her head away from nicks chest and looked into his eyes. "Do you really mean that?" She asked while nick wiped away her remaining tears. "Of course I mean it, I would never say that just for the sake of the situation, you mean more to me than anyone else ever has, I will never give up on you carla, you've got to trust me" he said while studying her face before ending his gaze at her lips. He leaned in for a kiss and she accepted, Carla didn't wanna let nick go, she needed him more than she's needed anyone else before.

Nick and carla had been chatting all afternoon, about what the future could hold and also about there pasts. Carla bought up peter and her rape, nick bought up leanne and his accident. They both shared this openly with one another as they trusted each other with their lives. The curtain started to pull back. "Hello you two" the nurse smiled. "Hey" nick said while Carla just smiled. "Now Carla, after your fall you have seemed to started your recovery rather quickly, your ankle will be in the cast for about 4 weeks okay so nick, your going to have to look after her okay" she explained. Carla snuggled into nicks side, never wanting to move. "Of course I will, when will she be aloud to come home?" He asked. The nurse studied Carla's progress and came to a conclusion. "She can go home today, but there is to be no work or adrenaline activities" she laughed. Nick laughed at the last part as well. Adrenaline activities, definitely not Carla's style he thought. Carla also laughed at the comment as she knew full well that wouldn't be happening. Nick looked at her laughing and his heart melted, it had been a few days since he had witnessed her properly laughing and this made him so incredibly happy. "So will she have crutches so she can get around?" Nick asked the nurse. "Yes of course but I would also recommend as much rest as you can, so if you want a cup of tea.. Just tell nick to get it" she laughed while winking at Carla. "Good idea, I might just do that" Carla laughed while smirking at nick. "Oi!" Nick said playfully while looking into Carla's eyes once again. "No, nicks done enough for me in the few months we have been together, best man you could have really" she said practically drooling over nick. The nurse left them be in the end and she came to say goodbye once everything was ready for them to go.

"Home sweet home" nick said as he picked up Carla's bag and started opening the door to Victoria court, but a familiar face came to ask how Carla was doing. "Carla, Carla" leanne called. Leanne? She hadn't spoken to me in a long time, not on a friendly basis anyway. Carla and nick both turned around to hear what she had to say. "Look um I heard what happened, you know with you falling down the stairs, I hope your okay" she said as she looked down at her ankle. "Yeah, thanks leanne, I'm fine, just a bit sore you know how it goes" she replied. Leanne had fallen down the stairs back in 2011 and she lost her baby as well. Leanne has no idea Carla was pregnant to that she has lost the baby, only nick, Michelle and Roy new and that's how she wanted it kept. "Ok well if either of you need anything you know where I am" she said as she smiled and then walked off back towards the bistro. Nick and Carla looked at each other and both raised their eyebrows at what they just witnessed. "Looks like she's taken some happy pills" Carla smirked at nick. Carla was joking around, this was a start to a long few weeks of recovery but it will be a lifetime recovery if losing another child so soon after losing her first.

"Do you want anything while I'm up" nick called out to Carla as she sat on the couch watching a boring food show. "Nah I'm fine, actually could you come over here and give my back a rub?" She said while smiling at him with a please nick look on her face. Nick stopped what he was doing and looked at her before giving in and heading back to the couch. Carla's body lay over his lap, it took a while to get into a comfterble position as her ankle was in a cast. Nicks hand ran from her shoulders down to the base of her back. His gentle way made Carla very tired and it wasn't long before she found her eyes drooping shut. She never made it to sleep though as her phone rang creating her to jump. "Ughhhh" she groaned. "Don't worry, I'm sure it can wait" nick said while running His hands through Carla's hair. Everything was quiet as nick continued to rub Carla's back, until a question caught him off guard.

"Nick, do you think we Should try for another baby" Carla asked. She was quite nervous for his reply but whatever he said she would still love him.

Thankyou for reading! Please leave a comment letting me know your thoughts on this and don't forget to vote to find out what happens next! x

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