Chapter 4: desisions

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Today I was up bright and early ready to work. This isn't very regular for me but I guess today's a good day. The weather wasn't very good, when is it ever good? The clouds overshadowed the cobbles and I could feel a gentle breeze blow through my hair. I needed to go to Devs quickly before work just to grab some chips to snack on while at work
"That'll be 2 pound 50" said Dev
"Here you go" I said while handing over the money

I grabbed my chips and headed out the door and who do I bump into? Nick
"Hi how are you" I said with a worried tone in my voice
"Erica lost the baby" he announced while looking at the floor
"I'm so sorry to hear that Nick, will you be okay?" I asked while putting one hand on his shoulder
"Yea I'll be fine, I just need to speak to erica about a few things though" he said while giving me a slight smile
"Oh ok I'll leave you to it then, see you later maybe" I said while heading out the door.

It was 3 hours since I last saw nick, I know it's not that long but for me it was, I couldn't get him out of my head no matter how hard I tried. My head was all over the place, Nicks just lost his baby for goodness sake and all i can think of is the taste of his lips and the way they feel against my skin.

From: "Nicholas💘"
Hey I need to speak to you, meet me at the rovers about half 7?

Oh their was no "X" at the end, this can't be good news, he's probably gonna tell me him and erica are gonna continue seeing each other.
I replyed to him

To: "Nicholas💘"
Sure see you then

I lent down Into my filing cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine from a few weeks ago, shoved it into my bag and headed home to get changed. I didnt wanna let nick see me looking all scruffy did I?

I had my shower put on some leggings, a lose white top with my leather jacket over top, I applied a small amount of makeup and put on some perfume. I decided to wear my Killer heels because I know nick loves me in them. This whole occasion was probably gonna end badly but I just want to look good for him anyway.

I walk into the bistro and the place was empty, I thought he had maybe just gone home, so I turned around to leave when I heard a soft manly voice "Carla" he said.
It was nick. He was here, he has emptied the bistro for me? Has he really got rid of all his loyal customers for me?

He gestured for me to sit down in one of the couch chairs in the corner, i did exactly that. I placed my bag next to me and crossed my legs under the table. Nick was pouring me a wine. He knows me so well. "So how was your day" I asked
"Yea it was okay, Erica and I have had a conversation about our relationship and where it's likely to go" he said while carrying our wines over to the table

"Oh yea how did that go" I ask curiously

"We've both decided to call it quits, it just wasn't ment to be, we were never really intending on being a proper couple in the first place"

"Oh wow, so do you still 'like' her though? Would you have wanted to have a kid with her?"

"Honestly, I care for her, and I'm sure she would make a great mum but that was never our intentions. I wasn't intending to get her pregnant. I've always wanted kids but I want to have them with someone I love, truly love and  can see a future with" he said while fidgeting with the bottom of his wine glass

"You know, I never wanted kids before I was with peter, but when I got pregnant I fell inlove with my baby, I know the dad wasn't the best dad in the world, I mean he's had a lot of ups and downs with Simon over the years hasn't he? But once I lost my baby I felt like it had a lucky escape from the world, it wouldn't have a mother like me and it wouldn't have a father as messed up as peter" I said while looking at him with a sad expression

"I wish I could've been their for you carla, you deserve far more than peter flaming barlow" he said while grabbing my hand and placing it in his

"Look carla I know Erica and I have just ended things between us but I know who I want to be with,  who I want to kiss goodnight,  who I want to wake upto every morning, who I want to hold when their upset,  who I want to look after and enjoy a life full of adventures with" he said while looking at me with a cute grin

"Oh yea who" I said actually not knowing if he meant me or not

After a few moments of silence he spoke


My heart was pounding out of my chest, I can't belive how kind he was being to me, after everything that's happened to me over the years, after everything I've done he wants to be with me, he wants to live a life with me.

He held my hand and smiled at me, I gave him a smile back, he then came and sat next to me on my side of the table and took my hands and asked me one really important question "will you be My girlfriend?"

"Of course I will" I said while looking into his eyes and then at his lips, he was leaning in and so was I. Our lips connected and sparks were flying. Pretty soon our kiss got quite heated and we wanted more than just kissing. He stood up and held out his hand for me to grab it "yours?" He said. "C'mon then" I said while pulling him towards the bistro door

I felt myself being pushed up against a door, he smashed his lips onto mine and he then pushed my door open, he slammed and locked it behind him. As soon as we got inside he took off his shoes and I took mine off, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him, we made our way into the bedroom and he threw me onto the bed, he undid my black jeans I was wearing and I undid his belt on his trousers, I felt his hands go up under my shirt and His hands where lifting my shirt off. I undid his buttons on his shirt and we lay their kissing until we needed a breath. During our 10 seconds of time we had to have a breather we took each other's trousers off. He was left in his boxers and I was left in my bra and knickers. I seen him eyeing my body, he then started kissing me again with such passion. I felt so loved right now and nothing was gonna stop us from having this moment together. We were now under the sheets naked and the next half and hour was rather intimate lets say. We were so out of breath now and we were laying side by side in bed. After we had got our breath back and had a drink of water we just lay in bed together.

"Are you ok?" Nick asks me
"Never better" I replied

He runs his fingers through my hair and places a kiss on my forehead
"Come here" he whispers to me
I move the sheets so I can get closer to him and all of a sudden I feel two warm arms around me. He pulled me in until our body's were close and I started to drift off to sleep, as I was doing so he played with my hair softly and rubbed my back. I never thought this was gonna be how my night would end, it couldn't get any more perfect.

"I love you" he whispers in my ear
"I love you too" I replied
I felt a soft gentle kiss on my neck and then I fell asleep

I was wrong my night did get more perfect

Nick and Carla ~ A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now