Chapter 5: The morning after

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Hey, Thankyou so much for reading this story! I hope you are enjoying it. I have decided I am going to not write from either characters point of view as I enjoy writing the way I have with this chapter a lot more. Hope you don't mind.
The room was dark and the room was silent. All Carla could hear was the rustle of the sheets as she moved. She was wondering what the time was when all of a sudden She remembered that She wasn't alone. Her heart stopped and She smiled. She quietly layed back down and pulled the sheets up around her body. Last night Carla had put on one of her large loose shirts so this morning she was a little bit cold. She gently rolled over and saw Nick, shirtless, peacefully sleeping. She once again smiled to herself but Nick must've sensed she was awake as he fluttered his eyes open and stared at her directly in her eyes.
"Morning Beautiful" he said while placing his warm hand on the side of her face.
"Morning" carla said while smiling
The two lovebirds layed peacefully together for the next couple of minutes, Nick holding carla in his arms to keep her warm.
Carla then looked up at Nick
"Do you regret last night" she said with a worried tone In her voice
He almost looked shocked she could think such a thing but he knew she was just making sure he wasn't using her, after everything she had been through he couldn't blame her. After Peter Carla hasn't felt this way about anyone and she didn't want to lose it all before it's even began.
"Of course i don't, you mean so much to me Carla, I would never ever let you just slip away or use you for a bit of fun" Nick said with a sympathetic tone
"I just- I haven't felt this way about anyone since peter and I couldn't bare it if my life fell apart again Nick, I just couldn't" said Carla as tears started to build in her eyes
Nick slowly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his body so she could relax
"carla, look at me sweetheart"
She hesitated but slowly lifted her head so she could see his eyes
"I'm not going to hurt you, you've got to trust me okay?" He said while looking deep into her eyes
"Okay Nick" she said while leaning into his chest and letting out a sigh, a sigh of relief.
There body's were close and carla could feels Nicks breath on her hair, she could feel the love he had towards her getting more powerful as each minute passed, all Carla knew was she didn't want to lose this guy, more like she couldn't.
"You know Nick, I don't really feel like going into work today" she explained while relaxing more into his chest
"Well we could always take the day off, I mean we are our own bosses aren't we" Nick said whilst running his fingers up and down Carla's arm
"I'm game if you are then" she said while lifting her head to look at Nick
"Hmmmmm alright" he said while looking lovingly into her eyes
He placed a soft kiss on her lips, pulled her in to a hug once again.
Carla adjusted herself so her head was laying comftablely on Nicks chest. He gently rubbed her back for around about 5 minutes before he placed a soft kiss into her hair
"So, what should we do tod-" he stopped mid sentence realising she had fallen back asleep.
Nick just lay watching her for a while taking in her natural beauty which would always seem to make him feel weak. He knew he was falling inlove with her and he wasn't ashamed. He also knew everything she had been through and he admired her for getting through it all. Carla came with baggage but he was willing to help her through absolutely anything that got thrown her way. Carla started to stir and Nick, not wanting to wake her up gently placed a kiss upon her hair. Then without second thoughts he rubbed her back gently knowing that she loved it and it makes her feel safe.

Will this be all they do on their day off?

Nick and Carla ~ A love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon