chapter 2

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Light pov

Ryuuzaki and (Y/n) seem really into the conversation that they forgot I was there. It ticks me off a lot to the point where I want to make that eye deal with Ryuk but I'm not taking the chance of losing half my lifespan. After all, Ryuuzaki made the worst mistake of telling me he is L.

(Bold is when Ryuk is talking)

"Well, what do you know she's grown up like her mother," Ryuk said as he looked down on (Y/n) almost as he was looking at a child.

'What the heck is he talking about?'

"I'll be back I'm going to use the restroom alright so try not to do any weird things while I'm gone," I said as get up and walked away.

L pov

When Light left I turn towards her and she looked like she can finally relax a bit. Which was strange to me normally people would find it uncomfortable when they're with someone else alone.

"So tell Ryuuzaki don't you think it's weird that these killings started to increase since we got into college?" She said as she drank her (f/d).

"So you notice it as well I'm not surprised that you are observant around your surroundings. Tell me what do you think about Kira and his way of passing judgment?" She looked up and looked into my onyx eyes with her (e/c).

"I think that Kira's way of judgment is wrong. He's acting like he's God and kills them for no reason. In a way, I see he is childish and has no power of his own. I think he may be using something that isn't from our world. He could be using what they call a shinigami or in other words a God of death."

"I see and do you believe in shinigami (Y/n)?"

"I don't know I've read them in books but how else can you explain the death of a prisoner who was at the top level of security? If you ask me I think that might be the only one unless you have some other explanation." She seems to use her brain more but then again I think she may have a point.

"Alright I can trust but you must promise not to tell anyone what you are about to know."

" Sure thing I don't have friends to talk to so your secret is safe." I looked into her eyes and she was speaking the truth.

"In truth I'm L and I believe that Light may be Kira himself. Has he been acting strangely around others or you?"

"Now that you mention it ever since that guy died on the news he acts differently. It's almost as if more confident but at first, I thought it was because of the entrance exams. So I brushed it off but now I'm more scared of him he's not the same as when we were little he's more devious. The others haven't noticed it but I kept it to myself all this time." She said as she looked into her hands but if she's been like this for that long then she may be in danger.

"I see. Then how about you work for me on this investigation but it will mean putting your life on the line as well."

"I don't care if I die all I want is to stop all this senseless killing. No one has the right to decide who dies." She said as we looked into each other eyes. For a moment my heart begins to skip a beat.

"Alright from now on you'll be undercover and keep an eye on him until further orders. Do you think you can do that?"

"No problem is just I don't know what Mr. Yagami will say about this." Of course, he's her guarding.

"Don't worry he'll understand why but once Light comes back just act like we were talking about sweets."

"Let me guess you have a major sweet tooth and enjoy sweets a lot." She said as she smiled but she looked like something was near her by the way she stop smiling.

"What's wrong?"

"It's felt like someone put their hand on my shoulder." She said as put her hand on her right shoulder.

"Sorry about the wait some girls were asking questions about me. What did I miss while I was gone." Light said as he looked at us.

"Nothing just talking about sweets and about the strange dreams we've had been getting. So got a date already?" She said as she began to take a sip of her drink.

"Nope, I turn them both down seems like girls love to fall for me. It's quite annoying ever since high school it's been like this." He said.

"And you just noticed that it's quite annoying. You have no idea how many girls are fighting for your attention." She said as she got up.

"I'll be right back try not to cause trouble Light after all your not that good at keeping your cool." And like that she left for the bathroom. She may be the only person that Light can't hurt at all.

(Y/n) pov

I got to the bathroom and splash water on my face. When I looked in the mirror I saw the eyes from my dreams. Not only that a figure is twice as tall than me. He's pale and looks like death himself.

"Well, you've grown up so big since the last time I saw you. Where does the time go?" It said but I couldn't even get my nerves in control.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"Of course, you don't know about me your mother and I made sure to keep it that way. Unfortunately, since you can see me means your eyes are adapting now."

"Adapting what do you mean by that?"

"It means your other half is finally awakening and you'll be able to see the life of others and their real names." It said as he float in the air.

"My other half what are you talking about?" No matter what questions I ask it seems to direct them to something else.

"Oh well, I'm sure we'll see each other again. I just hope you are safe in this world it is such a shame that (m/f/n) isn't with you. I would have been happier to see her again. Oh well, I'll see you soon (Y/n)." And just like that, he left through the wall.

'What the hell did he mean by that? And how did he know about my name?'

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