chapter 5

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L pov

After observing what (Y/n) said about a girl that came to drop off a notebook for Light last night. My suspicion of him has increased since the second Kira talked about shinigami. Since (Y/n) lives apart from Light he won't be able to let his guard down.

I was in my room and saw that we were low on sweets now. Which is not good I need my sweets to keep going. I looked up and saw that Yagami and the others were still trying to figure out how to catch both Kiras.

"Matsuda I need your phone." Matsuda came and gave me his phone and I went to the number that I know that person won't be able to say no.

(Y/n) pov

I was done with classes until I got a call from Matsuda. Then again it could be Ryuuzaki calling for me to get there. I answered and of course, it was Ryuuzaki.

"(Y/n) when come can you bring at least three cakes and other sweets? We're low on them again."

"Ryuuzaki you know you have to stop eating sweets you can get sick and go to the hospital for it."

"I never get sick so what's the point of telling me this."

"Because I care that you'll get sick and you're more important to everyone because your the only one that can solve this case."

"(Y/n) I know that and when I say I won't get sick I mean it. You'll just have to trust me."

"Fine says the guy who knows everything about others and doesn't let others help him when they want to!" I hung up on him for not understanding that I'm worried that he was so careless about his health.

"That idiot Ryuuzaki I can't believe that guy would eat cake then some vegetables." I walked down no one was around but I felt something near me.

"Hi!" It was that girl from before. Her name is Misa Amane and I think she is a model or something. All I know she is a famous idol and is a model as well.

"Oh hi, you're Misa Amane right?"

"That's right by any chance your not Light's girlfriend are you." She asked curiously.

"Why does everyone jump to that conclusion? I'm his sister, not his girlfriend!"

"Oh, but you were at his house that day I went to leave his book."

"I was getting my stuff out because I'm still moving to my new place, and before you ask no I don't have feelings for Light and never will. You can go out with him if you like." I said as I began to walk but she got in the way.

"Why don't you like him?" She asked.

"Because we grew up together so I would only see him as a brother. He'll never be anything more than that." I began to walk but she looked like had something else to say.

"Oh and tell you shinigami to keep a close eye on you. You can't trust Light's words he has a way of getting what he wants sometimes." I warned her before walking away and started to head to the nearest bakery for Ryuuzaki cakes.

'Damn that man.'

Misa pov

Just as Light said she can see Rem without touching the book. There's no way people can see Rem without touching the book.

"Misa be careful not to get on her bad side. That girl can't die as we do she is the only one of her kind. Half human and half shinigami." Rem said as she landed behind me.

"Half shinigami but how I thought shinigami die if they save a human they love?" I asked as she seemed to know why.

"Story goes a shinigami we know dropped his death note and he fell in love with the woman that picked it up. After a few months, they fell in love and committed the ultimate taboo. She carried his child but the child was able to see things once they touch a death note their other half will wake up very slowly." Rem said as we began to walk to where I would find Light.

For some reason, she looked like she feared Light. Maybe I was imagining it and she just has something against Light but I can't use the death note on her if Rem says that she can't die like us. Then how can she die if she isn't bound to either of the rules?

(Y/n) pov At HQ

I got the cakes and other sweets that Ryuuzaki asked for and it took longer than I thought. I was eating pocky cause I had a sudden craving for some. I walked in and see him looking at the screen and no one else was around.

"Hey Ryuuzaki of got your Damn sweets."

"Oh, thanks (Y/n)." He said as he continued to look at the screen. I just began to listen to the tapes of the second Kira trying to get some clues. That is until Ryuuzaki came to me.

"You seem agitated (Y/n). What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just tired of all this." I wrote notes on the little hints. Until someone came to my side.

"You don't look tired you look like you are lost in thought. Now go on and say what's wrong or else I'll have to integrate you."

"It's nothing really important to the case. I'm just tired and that's all okay." I got up and was about leave the room when Ryuuzaki grab my wrist and pin it to the wall.

"It is important to the case because if you get distracted it will cause us to lose Kira. So tell me what's wrong?" He said as he looked into my eyes.

"Why do you care about my personal life Ryuuzaki? It's something that I should solve not you." I pushed him away and soon everyone arrived I walked out of the room.

'Ryuuzaki there are things that people shouldn't find out about me.' I walked to the elevator to head home for now before Ryuuzaki can say something else about our discussion.

"Hello (Y/n) don't tell you already have boy troubles." I didn't respond since I know Ryuuzaki would hack the elevator camera system easily.

"Hmph, you're just like him as well. Anyway, I'm here to talk to and warn you about something that you need to know." He said as lean closer to my ear.

"Kira has his eyes on you." Just as he said that I felt like I wanted to run away to my house and hide there. Just as the door to the elevator opened I called a cab to take me home. If what that shinigami said is true then I have to be more cautious around my surroundings.

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