Ginny's Story

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Hi everyone! So this is a Harry Potter fanfiction. If you haven't read Deathly Hallows (shame on you! just kidding) you probably should before you read this, it will make more sense if you have read it!

I have a complete obssession with anything Harry Potter, so I thought I'd give it a shot writing a fanfiction. I've never really written one before, so I would appreciate your feedback!

Oh and this story starts off slowly, but please hang in there, it'll get better!

This story is dedicated to anyone (mainly my family and friends) who have put up with my constant babbling about Harry Potter. Love you all <3

Enjoy :)

Everything you recognise is the fantastic imagination of JK Rowling. All credit goes to her, not me! I'm just basing my story on her incredible ones :)

Chapter 1 Left Behind

I watched as Mum fussed around Ron, Fred and George as they prepared to leave, feeling angry. I crossed my arms sulkily.

“Please can I go, Mum?” I begged for the millionth time. I felt like I was ten years old again, watching my brothers go to Hogwarts and being left behind.

“No, Ginny,” Mum snapped, turning her back on my pouting face.

I sighed. It had always been like this; I was always too young to be included. It didn’t help that I was a girl, either. All my brothers seemed to use this against me when they didn’t want me to join in. Life was so unfair sometimes.

I went into my room and slammed the door shut. I pulled out an extendable ear Fred and George gave me and slid it under the door slightly.

“… We get him and then get out of there,” I heard Alastor ‘Mad Eye’ Moody say gruffly. “Everyone got it?” There was a chorus of agreeing mumbles.


I wasn’t even allowed to go help save my boyfriend… well ex-boyfriend. They guy whom I loved, at least. Harry had my heart since I first laid eyes on him and would have it for as long as I lived. I sounded like a lovesick teenager, I know. That usually wasn’t me at all, but sometimes I couldn’t help those thoughts.

“Ready to go?” Kingsley asked in his deep, slow voice. I was glad he was going with them. Mad Eye was better at protecting, but Kingsley was down to earth and would keep his head in a crisis. He was safe and stable, unlike Moody’s constantly changing temperament.

I heard Mum tearfully saying goodbye to everyone and then no sound at all. I tugged the extendable ear in just in time before Mum came in. She sat down on the bed beside me.

“You could have at least said goodbye,” she said to me weakly. I nodded.

“I know,” I agreed quietly. What if anyone died? I regretted my selfish and sulky actions.

It was dangerous nowadays. You never knew whom you could trust, and there were only a select few that you could confide in. You couldn’t afford to get into fights or useless squabbles with your friends or family because you never knew what might happen to them.

Mum sniffed and in the kitchen I heard pots and pans clanking away. Whenever Mum was upset, she would cook and clean to take her mind off things. I just stared at the walls, waiting for some news.

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