Chapter Ten

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Fair warning, this chapter contains some drug references. It's mild, but it's there. I thought I should let you know.

She smiled as the audience clapped at her performance. The spotlight was on her, and she could hardly see the crowd, but she could hear enough of them to know they had enjoyed the show. Her fellow actors and actresses joined her on stage, and they all took a bow together. She walked off to a standing ovation.

She picked up her coat from backstage and walked out swiftly. It was the black coat Paul gave her, even if it had been five years since they last saw each other. He was a painful memory too her, and she might have gone back to him if he hadn't got a girlfriend. Her name was Jane Asher. Darcy felt she was far more beautiful and lovely than her. Paul deserved a girl like that.

She got back to her flat. She paid for the flat herself now, and she used the money from her first three performances to pay Paul back. She never gave a return address.

Halfway between a dream, she threw her coat on to its hanging and walked into her room. She sat at her dresser and began to undo her hair. Pin after pin she took out, the effects were really heavy for this show, until it was finally a wavy mass down her back. She took out a make-up wipe and started to wipe aggressively at her face since the make-up was so thick and extravagant. Once it was done, she sighed and took off her clothes. She changed into a nightie. She slumped into her bed and went straight to sleep; this was the fourth performance of the week.

"Alright, Miss Tearle. You're going to America."

Darcy's eyes widened as her manager Lorraine told her the news. She broke out into a huge, disbelieving smile, and exclaimed, "oh, my Lord! Really?"

"Yes indeed. You've become such a good actress that the Americans want a piece," she chuckled a little, her frizzy hair bobbing up and down.

"Oh, wow! When do I set off?"

"In a week. Darcy Tearle, you're going to Broadway! You're going to Hollywood! You're going everywhere!" Lorraine sang as she tottered out of the room in her colourful little way. Darcy liked Lorraine. She was very random, a bit batty and extroverted, but she had become wonderful company and a fantastic adviser and manager for Darcy over the years.


"Guys, we're going to India!" George announced as he walked into the studio.

"Oh, great!" John exclaimed. He had also been looking forward to this trip.

"Fab! Nice going, Geo," Paul smiled as he unpacked his bass.

"I can't wait," Ringo said from his drum kit.

"My plane sets off on the 14th of February. I couldn't secure tickets for you guys, I'm sorry. But we'll all be there for our meditation course."

"Alright," Paul sighed from his seat, "I'll tell Jane tonight and we'll get our flights sorted."


Darcy bussled into the airport, her luggage bags in hand and stress on her shoulders. She'd only been on a plane once, and she was ten. She pulled out her passport and went through all the security and so on.

She stood by the conveyorbelt, dropping off her suitcase, when a noisy hubbub came through the door. She turned to see what all the fuss was about, and discovered through some excited conversations of others that the Beatles were here. They were taking a trip to India.

Darcy's heart sank. Oh not Paul. But, although she almost dreaded seeing his face again, she also felt like she wanted to see him. She felt she almost had to see him. She began to make her way through the crowd and finally she saw them. Surrounded by many people, they were speed walking to the terminal. Darcy suddenly felt like she had to. The airport wasn't too busy, it was very early morning, and this sudden urge came over her.

She followed them as they walked. It was Paul and Jane along with Ringo, John, Maureen and Cynthia. She picked up her pace so she could get ahead of them. Finally, she caught Paul's eye.

"Paul!" She waved at him. He looked absolutely taken aback, and he slowed.

"Come on Paul, what's the fuss? It's just another fan." Darcy heard Jane speaking to him.

"Actually, no she isn't. You keep going, Jane," Paul said, letting go of her hand and stepping away from them and their guard. Mal Evans stopped momentarily and talked to Paul out of earshot. Mal walked to the side and leaned against the wall. Darcy stepped out and Paul walked towards her.

"Darcy?" Paul gazed at her. She looked different from the last time he saw her.

"Hi Paul," Darcy said as they came to a stop.

"What... What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to America. I'm an actress. Surprised we haven't bumped into each other before now, if I'm honest."

"Yeah, so am I." Paul spoke almost breathlessly.

"You look well. How are you?"

"I'm great. How are you?"

"Fantastic. I've never felt better," her smile made her face glow as she said it. It made Paul smile too.

There was a cough from Mal. Paul's face fell. "I've got to go."

"Me too."

"Can we see each other again some time?"

"I'd love that, here," Darcy handed him her card from her pocket.

"Business cards now, eh? Very posh," Paul joked. He winked at her and began to walk off. Darcy giggled, and mouthed a thank you to him as they waved goodbye.

Darcy walked to the terminal gates. Everything that went on after her encounter with Paul, she couldn't really recall. She wasn't paying attention. She was caught up in everything. He hasn't changed, she thought. He was exactly the same as she had left him, he just smelt of drugs. But Darcy didn't really mind, it was the smell of a lot of people these days. She was even considering trying some herself, but that could wait.

Darcy boarded the plane with her mind on Paul. Paul boarded his plane with his mind on Darcy. Jane was interrogating him about her, and he gave short answers. He didn't really care about Jane all that much, especially not at that moment in time. At that moment, he was in love with Darcy Tearle, exactly as he had been all those years ago.

I'm so sorry.
That was really short and stupid. This took way too long go come up.
Let me know what you think anyway

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