Chapter Three

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A bed is so nice, Darcy thought as she woke up on Monday. It's so soft and warm, it never let's you down and let's you escape into a dream. She heaved herself out of bed and walked into the living room. The radio was on and was playing a song called 'I Saw Her Standing There'. Darcy began to tap her toes and humm along to the music. It was brilliant, and she'd never heard any music like it. The lead voice seemed familiar, and she found out who it reminded her of when Paul walked through the door.

"Morning, Darcy."

"Good morning, Paul. You know this song on the radio, who's it by? The lead voice sounds like you, and I've never heard such a brilliant song."

Paul smiled. "That's because I am the lead singer. Thanks very much, Darcy."

"Wow! Really? But you still haven't answered my first question. Besides you, who's it by?"

"The Beatles. You know John? Well he's in the Beatles too. The other members are George and Ringo."

"You were with John and George the night you saved me, weren't you?"

"I was. I didn't save you, I did what a decent person would do."

"Paul, pneumonia could kill me, being in the condition I was in. But I'm more likely to live now I'm under a roof."

"That reminds me, medicine!" Paul ran over to the cupboard and took out a bottle. He got a spoon and read the directions for use, "OK, Darcy, you need to take two of these daily, after breakfast and after dinner. So, let's get you breakfast."

Darcy walked through the open door to the kitchen to join Paul. He was searching through the bread bin and produced some crumpets.

"Crumpets OK with you?" Paul questioned.


Paul slotted the crumpets into the toaster and walked over to the fridge. He took out some butter, marmite and jam.

"Marmite or jam? Or neither?"

"Marmite. If I remember rightly, I love it!"

"I like it, but I'm more of a jam man myself."

The toaster popped out the crumpets. Paul buttered and spread marmite on two and jam on two. He put them on plates and placed them on the table. They sat in silence for a minute, simply eating. Then something seemed to come to Paul's mind and he looked up from his plate.

"Hey, Darcy. Would you like to come to the studio with me today? You could meet George and Ringo and listen and watch us play. That is, if you're feeling up to it."

"Yeah," she coughed and winced, "I'd love to come. Just give me my medicine and I'll go get dressed."

After the revolting medicine, Darcy went and got dressed. She chose the blue dress she got yesterday.

She emerged from her room and Paul was standing in the hallway. He turned to look at Darcy and gasped.

"Darcy, love, you look beautiful."

"Thanks," she smiled at him.

They put their coats and gloves on and walked out of his flat and into the lift. They hurried to Paul's car and climbed in, Darcy in the passenger seat.

"No fans today, that's nice," Paul muttered as he started the car.

"What? Are they crazy for you and chase you around or something?"

"You have no idea," Paul chuckled.

They didn't talk much for the rest of the journey, Darcy just sat and stared out of the window, watching the world go by until Paul slowed down and parked. 

Darcy read the sign: 'Abbey Road Sudios.' as she got out of the car.

She followed Paul into the building, through some corridors and eventually Paul stopped outside a door that read: 'The Beatles'.

"Here we are," Paul smiled and pushed the door open.

"Paulie!" She heard a shrill cry as John Lennon bounded up from his seat and hugged Paul. "I missed you, darling," John said in a high-pitched supposedly female voice.

"Hello, John," Paul laughed.

"Hi, Paul," George said from the corner, "Hello..?"

"Darcy. But she's not my girlfriend, OK?"

"Bet you wish she was, she's gorgeous," Ringo grinned from the drumkit before sipping his tea.

Darcy blushed adn said, "thanks," very quietly. Paul shuffled his feet and George and John sniggered a little bit.

"I'm going to get a cup of tea," Darcy said, feeling awkward.

"Okay. It's through the second door on the right," Paul said, relieved.

Once Darcy had slipped through the door, Paul burst out, "Okay, I admit it! She's beautiful!"

"She's more than beautiful," George remarked from his personal stool.

"Yeah, she's absolutely stunning," Ringo agreed.

"I can't say much - I have a gorgeous wife at home - but yes, she's lovely," John said, smiling.

"She's mine, that's what she is," Paul announced.

"That doesn't mean we won't try," George said, raising his eyebrows at Ringo. Ringo grinned and raised his eyebrows. Paul looked angry and glared at the two.

"Hey look maybe dating one of us will make her realise her love for you!" George quickly saved him and Ringo.

"Prehaps," Paul sighed.

Darcy came back in and sat down with her mug of tea. They all fell silent.

"Well, are you going to play or not?" Darcy laughed.

"Oh, er, yeah," Paul agreed, "Please Please Me?"

"Okay," John smiled and stepped up to the microphone. Paul waved to two men behind soundproof glass. Darcy hadn't noticed them before.

"That's Brian and other George," Ringo explained before starting to play the beat for Please Please Me on his drums.


"You were amazing!" Darcy told Paul excitedly as they left the studio.

Paul chuckled. "Thanks, Darcy."

They got in to his car and drove back to Paul's house, which was quickly becoming Darcy's home.


Paul's POV

Okay, that's it, I give in. I've known her for less than a week and I think I love her. How is that possible? 

Ringo said it; Love at first sight. 

Her hair is this gorgeous wavy mass that I just want to play with. Her eyes are this stunning blue and her smile could light up a thousant cities. It was hard not to love her after one glance at her.

Then her personality is just.. wow! She's so sweet and funny and shy yet confident in her own way. She has suffered so much hardship but she's so strong. I feel like I need to fix her and keep her from any more harm. That is what I'll do.

Ringo and George won't get in my way. I love her and she will be mine. Darcy my dear, be mine.

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