Chapter 2

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"Darcy, can we please do something. I'm bored out of my mind!" I yelled from the living room, where I was stuck by Darcy.

"Carson, I told you, we aren't doing anything until you're healed." She replied, skipping downstairs.

I sighed and closed my eyes, hoping to get a few hours of sleep without the nightmares. As I drifted off my thoughts turned to him. I miss him like crazy. Its been a long time....


I walked out the front door of Darcy's house and headed towards my house. As I was walking I realized someone was following me. I turned my head to the left and saw someone I haven't seen in years, since the day my mother died. It was Zayn. He was back home. His eyes met mine and I flinched, the memories slowly coming back to me after I spent so much time burying them.


"Come on Carson, you're too slow", Zayn yelled from the large tree house in his backyard.

" Shut up", I yelled before climbing up the ladder to the door.

"Come on, your mom will be here any minute."

"If I have to leave I'll come back tomorrow."

" But- I'll miss you." Zayn whispered.

Before I could say anything my mom stuck her head in the door.

"Come on Carson."

" Mum can't I stay? Please?"

"Carson, your dad is waiting in the car. Come on."

Zayn spoke up before I could beg anymore. "Mrs. Sanders, she just got here, can she please stay?"

My mum sighed and nodded. "Be home by eight."

She climbed back down the ladder and I turned to face Zayn. I wasn't sure what to say so I hugged him and said, "I'll miss you too."

I looked up at Zayn and he smiled. "Promise we'll always be friends. That we'll never leave each other."

I smiled and nodded. He grinned and we headed to back to his house.


That was the last time I saw my mum and my little sister Sarah. My dad blames me. He said if I wouldn't have stayed with Zayn, Sarah and my mum could've lived instead of me. I know he's right. That was the last time I saw Zayn too. He was gone a few days later, and he never called or told me where he was. When Zayn left, he took my reason to live with him.

"Carson, is that you?" Zayn yelled from behind me, pulling me from my thoughts.

I sped up and ignored him calling my name. I couldn't face him. It would bring back too many memories. He lied to me and left without saying goodbye. He doesn't need me so why should I talk to him?

**Zayn's Pov**

I grabbed her wrist and turned her around to face me. She flinched when I touched her wrist so I glanced down to see what was wrong. My eyes widened and Carson yanked her arm away.

"Get away from me you jerk! You lied to me! You left me here wondering what I had done wrong to make you ignore me! You promised you wouldn't leave without telling me! You said you couldn't leave because you loved me. Her voice broke as she tried to hold back her tears.

"Carson... I didn't have time to say goodbye..."

" You could have called or texted... Why didn't you?"

" Management wouldn't let me. They said you wouldn't be good for the bands image...."

"So you're telling me that your bands 'image' was more important than me?" She screamed.

Lies and Long Lost Friends → Z.M (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now