Chapter 28 : Passing

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I desperately tried to attain Kili's attention as I walked into the room with hesitation. Was it truly the best thing to do to tell Fili the truth about his beloved? I braced my self for the thunder storm that approached me, standing still in the forest. But not alone at the least.

"You must be quite aware that our uncle is ill?" Fili's face changed to an expressionless line, seemingly without emotion as Kili spoke with a stern voice. "Listen, Fili. I hate to awake you from your dreams but you an I both know that you are the heir to this extraordinary kingdom."

"Don't dress this up as if I'm blessed, that this is some fantasy fairy tail we've read about! Taking this kingdom onto my back is a task I don't want to willingly hold, but I have to. I don't have a choice, brother." The sudden out burst made me step back wards awkward to the door. I felt out of place and uninvolved.

"That is not what I came to talk about." Kili responded in a hushing voice with a step forward. I... That meant I wasn't a part of this. I knew I shouldn't be here. "We need to discuss Nural and the finding around her that Sophia and i now have."

Fili's face changed to complete confusion but i could tell there was curiosity somewhere hidden in his mind. "And what is that?"

Kili turned to me and i stood still expressionless. "Well," i started with a low voice, "it so happens that i knew this Nural girl as Trista back when i lived in Bree."

"A fake name." He said with a calm voice, "thats not strange at all. Kili and i would do the same." A strange thought occurred to me as I remembered her family.

"Tell me, did she have any siblings growing up?"

"No." Fili said and i bit my lip.

"When i met Trista in Bree she had two other males with her whom she called her brothers. Both of them, older." I said with a sigh. "Fili, i urge you to ask Nural about this." Without saying anything else, he stood with his face square to mine and considered this for a moment.

"Yes." He said and tore his heavy eyes from mine. "I should ask her."

As we stood there together in his room, i had nothing else on my mind. Why would i? I had no other concerns. I should have been more quick to leave because not that far away, lay a dying man in his own rooms, alone.

I could have been with a dying man because no one should die alone and unable to cry out. I would have heard the coughs and opened the door being the nosy girl i am. I would have held his hands because perhaps, just maybe, he was right about Nural.

As i sat alone in my own room that same night, not wanting to leave and finding myself with no one to hold my hand, i thought of Kili and Fili with their uncle's body. Tears probably in their eyes and their hands clasping the cold body's . But me, i was mourning alone. Not for my own losses but for the brothers.

A scattered tear ran down my cheek as i lay on my back in the grand bed i did nothing to deserve until i heard the slow creek of my opening door. Tilting my head up to see who had come , with some shock, i saw no less than Kili's face looking down on me.

"Why are you not with your brother?" I said with my voice sounding foreign in my ears seeing that I hadn't spoken i a couple hours.

"He is speaking with Nural." He said with a rough voice and closed the door behind him with a click. I instantly cocked my eyebrow at him with confusion.

"Nural is gone." I stated as a fact because i knew it as one. She left yesterday evening.

"Fili lied. But i don't want to talk about that." He said and sat down beside me on the four post bed.

"Then why are you here?" I said in a bland voice.

"Do i always have to have a reason to come see someone who i love?" The words made me drop my eyes away from his in a real hurry. Heat came boiling up through my chest and i felt a nervous feeling creep inside me. I wanted to be far away just because of this one word. Love....

Kili noticed my nervousness and i saw him turn his head to the floor as if embarrassed. Was I supposed to say so back? My heart pounded and for the second time today, i let myself forget about everything else than what was in the moment. His presence in the room made my palms start to sweat.

"Anyways." He said with a shallow sigh. Damn. I missed my chance! Its just that before then, nothing between us had been intimate... The next time i swore I would never miss my chance again.

Thanks so much for reading this chapter! I had so much fun writing this so don't forget to leave a vote for me!

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