Chapter 27 : Affection

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After I returned to my chambers and Kili did so as well, I went to sleep and warmed my self in a comfortable bed. When I woke the next day, I felt dreary and nervous for what I had promised Kili I would do. I didn't want to go back on my words because that was not a part of my morals but now, it had to be done to restore Fili's happiness. This, I was still nervous about seeing as neither of us knew Nural's or Trista's true identity but we both hoped deep in our hearts she was lying to me in Bree. The letter carrying girl seemed much more believable seeing as she showed up to the mountain with a bag or papers for nearly everyone in Erebor.

When I got up and left my chambers, I went out to eat some breakfast but was stopped halfway down the hall by Kili who had a worried facial expression that resembled my own. "What are doing back here?" I asked because we were still in a part of the castle that royalty wouldn't often come to.

"I came to find you." he said with a strangely confident tone, "we should go and see my uncle now, should we not?" I exhaled deeply and shot Kili a look that I hoped told him all he needed to know about exactly how I was feeling about this. "Come now."

"Fine" I said and sluggishly walked passed him down the hall before he stepped up by my side and reached for my fingers with his own hand. The gesture seemed strange. It then occurred to me that it was the only gesture of affection I've really received in a long while from him or remotely anyone. His hand was warm and wrapped around my own in a comforting way but I held my gaze away from him because on the inside, I felt strange. My stomach was in a knot but instead, I just gave his hand a gentle squeeze as we walked along down the hall.

Once we reached the hall, a though occurred to me. Had we not agreed to find out more about Nural before going to his uncle? I stopped my self in my tracks and shot him a look of astonishment.

"Did you forget?" I asked and raised my eyebrows.

"Forget what?" he said with a shrug.

"Come now!" I said with a gentle hearted laugh. " You think I could forget? It was just last night we decided to learn more about Nural." A sly smile slipped on his lips.

"It seems you've forgotten up until just now, my lady if you don't mind." He smiled with a grin.

"You think I could have forgotten." I lied while relieved and looked away from him around the large room with about a dozen dwarves walking around in a hurry.

"We should find Nural." he said after just a few seconds of silence, the seriousness of our situation coming back to him after trying to trick me. I remembered her going into Fili's chambers yesterday. There was no chance she would be gone yet from the kingdom, is there? And then I thought, I never saw he coming out, did I?

"Kili, I think I know where to find her."

And with that, the two of us where off down to Fili's chambers. I explained to him how I saw he go in and never noticed her exit so perhaps she was still there. Of course that would mean she spent the night in his chambers. But why not? She was only here for one or two nights and I could respect that. I think.

Once we reached the door, Kili gave a firm knock and we heard some rustling inside the rooms. As Kili exited, I looked past him in the rooms and saw absolutely no evidence.

"Where is Nural." Kili said out rightly. "We are in need of her assistance so that Sophia can send a letter to her relatives in the Iron hills."

"Your out of luck." He said blandly and I noticed how rustled his hair was and how the braids where gone from his mane-like hair. "She left for the hills last night on urgent business." He seemed a bit dim about this and looked to his brother only. My heart sank. She was gone? How could she have packed up and gone without rest?

The whole thing seemed strange to me and I just looked down at the ground.

"That really is too bad." He lied to his own brother with a disappointed face I could believe to be real. "You know brother, we've got some things to talk about."

I raised an eyebrow at Kili and felt my stomach drop.

"Alright then" Fili said and opened the door up to us both. I guess this is what was happening. The honest truth.

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