Part 4

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It's been a few days since I've spoken to Steven and honestly I was mad at him, I shouldn't be, we both decided to get divorced but hearing him talk to someone , just the thought of him being with someone else boiled my blood, jealousy came over me, I was snapped out of my thoughts when there was a knock on the door, I looked at the cameras and saw Steven waiting at the door, I walked towards the living standards room and picked up Ellie, I grabbed his bag, I opened the door, then gave him Ellie and the baby bag, I was about to close the door when he put his foot by the fame not allowing me to close it,

Steven-"we haven't talked about his birthday"

You-"everything's in order...don't worry"

Steven-"I thought you want me to help you..."

You-"I don't need it okay!"

Steven-"(y/n) is there something you're not telling me?"

You-"Steven can you just go please...I have to go to work"


You-"Steven please...I'm begging you..."

I pushed the door closing it, I slid down against the wall placing my hands over my face, letting tears stream down my face, why did it come to this, why are we like this, out marriage was everything, now he has moved on and I have nothing, I wiped my face and stood up, I walked into the kitchen and took up the book, and began ordering the stuff for Ellie's party. It was going to be difficult but I would have to start doing things on my own and not relying on Steven, he had to focus on his new life and so did I.

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