Part 6

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I stood with Ellie in my arms, Steven next to me and  everyone surrounding the table singing happy birthday, as they finished singing,

You-"blow the candles out"

I told him, I laughed as his attempt to blow them out failed,

You-"let me help you out.."

I blew the candles out, I held onto Ellie hand and Steven holding my hand to cut the cake, I looked up and saw the red head glaring at me, Steven took a piece of cake with the fork and feed Ellie, then did the same with me, I hold Ellie's hand to give some to his father.

Ellie began to yawn, so I signal my mom to cut the cake for everyone, I walked inside and up to Ellie room, he looked so tired so I didn't give him a shower, I just took some baby wipes and wipes his skin, then changed him into a onesie, I lift him up rocking him until he fell asleep, I placed him gently in his crib, I kissed his forehead, I took the baby monitor then walked downstairs into the kitchen,

I was cleaning up when Steven came in,

Steven-"can I talk to you?"

You-"yea sure"

I replied not looking at him,

Steven-"I wanted to introduce you to someone"

I didn't say anything, I continued to clean up the kitchen,

Steven-"my girlfriend...the red head..."

You-"yea I saw her..."

Steven-"why didn't you..."

You-"Steven how long have you guys been together.."

Steven-"3 weeks"

You-"and you're letting her meet your son...our son...are you mental..."

Steven-"calm's not a big deal..."

You-"don't tell me to calm brought some random girl into my house...that we once meet our son...and you think it's not a big deal..."

Steven-"(y/n)...please just..."

You-"just what Steven....I can't do this...if you think I'll be okay with this you're wrong...because I'll never be okay with this..."

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