Part 2

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I was in my clothes when Steven walked in with Ellie,

Steven-"say hello to mummy"

Ellie eyes brighten when he saw me, Steven put him on the ground and he waddle towards me, I ran towards him picking him and tickling him, his giggles were music to my ears. I took off the computer, Steven was about to leave,

You-"hey...what are you gonna do now?"

Steven-"I don't know...probably go home and watch tv.."

You-"we have to talk about his birthday"

Steven-"when do you have time?"

You-"now...I'm gonna close the store.. So we can go for dinner and talk about it..."

We were on our way to get dinner,when I started feeling a bit sick, I pulled over and called Steven,

You-"hey....I don't think I can make dinner...I'm not feeling well...for some reason...I'm feeling really upset..."

Steven-"drive to my's closer.."

So I did, we reached his house and I was about to get out of my car, when my feet gave up, I was waiting to feel the impact of me hitting the floor but I never came, I felt large hands around my waist, I didn't even look up, the scent Alone made me realize it was Steven,

Steven-"let's get you inside"


Steven-"hold on"

He made me lean against my car while he got Ellie out of my car, I manage to get us both inside the house without falling, he placed Ellie in front of the tv in his play pen then carried me upstairs, he brought me into his bathroom,

Steven-"you're gonna take a cold shower then get some sleep okay?"

I guess nodded my head, Steven was about to leave when I tried to take off my shirt but I couldn't, he walked over to me and held my hand leading me to the toilet, I placed the seat down and made me sit, he placed his fingers at the hem of my shirt and began pulling it up,

Steven-"arms up"

I did as I was told,

As I began taking her clothes off I couldn't help but stare, (y/n) was the most beautiful woman I've ever met, I knew our decision to get a divorce was mutual but after I grew to realize it was a mistake, I let the love of my life get away from me, but she didn't feel the same anymore.

I helped her into the shower, I just gazed upon her beauty, as the drops was water hit her body running down every curve of her body, she was finish, so I helped her out and get changed into one of my t shirts, my boxers and joggers, oh how I missed seeing her in my clothes. I sighed then helped her into my bed, I kissed her forehead then left to go back to Ellie.

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