Chapter 5

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* Heaven Noelle POV*

Louis and myself arranged for his first tutoring session to be before school tomorrow morning. As we went our seprate ways, he called out my name.

"Nelly!" I turned around and looked at him. "I probably should give my phone number to you."

I'm pretty sure my mouth is in the shape of an oval, but I quickly recover.

"Yeah. You know, for educational reasons." He flashes me his beaming smile that makes me swoon. But what he says next stuns me to the core.

"Maybe you could give me you number too? Kind of like a trade. Mine for yours and yours for mine." He wants my number? what do I have that he wants? my intelligence, that's what. After we exchanged numbers, I went about my way and went into a serious thinking session.

Basically from here on through the rest of the year, I will have to spend at least an hour everyday with the boy I've been pining over  for at least six years. Piece of cake.


As I was making my departure from the lunch line, I felt someone push me from behind, forcing me to the floor. A high pitched squealing that they must've mistaken for laughter rang out through the silent room. I look up to see the self proclaimed 'it' girl, Emily followed by her 'friends'. True, she is the biggest witch with B that I've ever met, but I purposely stay out of her way to avoid trouble.

"What the holy hell was that for!" I exclaim. Usually, I am calm, cool, and collected but right now I am a raging bull.

She smirks at me, as if the whole situation is hilarious. And how badly I want to smack it face her face and wipe the floor with it.

"Well, you were in my way. You were taking up the whole walk lane like the cow you are."

Her posse laughed as if what she said was funny. To tell you the truth, her words don't hurt me because even though I'm not as skinny as her, I'm still pretty thin. She means absolutely nothing to me. I'm sure even Barbie is jealous of how much plastic she has on her body.

I laughed a little bit. " Honey, you can only hope that you can have an ass as big as mine one day. But until that day comes, which it never will, dream on." I left her standing there with her mouth agape. Everyone has known me to be the quiet girl who is friendly to everyone. But maybe I'm an onion. Maybe I have layers.


Been watching fantastic four all day.

Flame on.


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