Chapter 2

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*Heaven Noelle POV*

My dad came and picked me up about 5 minutes after my run in with Louis.

"Hey kiddo. How was your day?" he said.

"It was good day today." I looked out the window at the scenic view running past us.

 We live on the country side of England, where there is a lot of people but not too many. Its more picturesque than popular. As we pulled up in the driveway, you could fully see our house. I'm just gonna say, its BIG. Like I do everyday, I said hi to my mother and dashed for my room. I like my room. Everything is a fuchsia color, I ditched the bed because its too mainstream so instead I have a giant couch and double doors that lead out to my balcony. My parents say its my personal jail, but jails are not this comfortable and stylish. My cell phone rang and I saw it was Noah.

"Hey Nelly. What's going on with you?" she asked.

I was utterly confused. "Didn't I just see you no than a hour ago?"

"Yeah but I missed you. And I need help with my algebra homework." she replied.

"How typical of you. But on a much more important subject, I've had a breakthrough today. I actually talked to him today! Do you know how big this is?" I questioned her.

Noah has always known about my crush on Louis Tomlinson.

"You know what I think you should do? You should ask him to go to the masquerade ball with you. Yes, I know its unconventional for the girl to ask the guy to the dance but we both know he won't ask you."

she can sometimes be a little blunt, but only when I need to hear what needs to be said. I can always depend on her to not sugarcoat it.

"I know but I guess you could say I'm afraid of rejection. And besides, he's never known my name prior to today. Why would he go to the dance with someone he's only just met?" I said, sounding defeated.

But her idea started a whole movement in my head. I wasn't going to ask Louis to the dance, no. After all this is a masquerade all, right? Where everyone is wearing big fancy gowns, and are unrecognizable due to masks. I've always been a shy person, but I wouldn't be myself. I'd be the outgoing socialite I've always wanted to be. This may sound like some bad romance novel, but maybe I could get him to fall in love with me.

"Alright Noah. I'm gonna go to the dance."


 sorry but I'm particularly lazy right now and I just wanted to finish this chapter before my field trip tomorrow. JA here I come. Yay (she said unenthusiastically). Picture of her bedroom to the side.


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