More Promises: The End

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You woke up to someone shaking you by your shoulder. "Huh?" You open your eyes weakly and saw Robin. "(Y/n), you need to come and eat." She said smiling at you sadly.

Zoro has been sleeping for 3 days and hasn't woken up. You know he was asleep because he was breathing. You haven't left his side yet, only to eat.

You got out of the chair beside the infirmary bed and walked to the kitchen. "Hey (y/n)." Luffy said happily and waved at you. You smiled and did a half-wave. "Hey Luffy." You replied. Everyone sat down to eat and talked to each other. You sat in silence and ate thinking of Zoro. You couldn't shake the thought that you had a perfect chance to help him...but you didn't.

The crew decided to watch a play when you reach the next island so you could get your thoughts away from Zoro. The ship soon docked and everyone jumped from the ship. You hesitated for a moment but you knew they wouldn't let you stay so you jumped anyways.

Everyone was walking and you saw an antique shop you really wanted to go to. You tapped Robin on the shoulder and you both stopped, making the crew keep walking ahead of you. "Yeah?" She asked. "Um...can we go to that antique shop over there?" You asked with your tail hanging low. "Sure. Come on." She walked ahead of you and you followed behind quietly.

"Do you have any beli?" She asked. "Um...yeah I think." You replied.

You looked around for a while and Robin suggested to catch up with the crew so you won't miss any of the play. You walked all the way to the theater until you found the rest of the crew. They were looking out for the both of you and they all smiled and waved so you knew where they were.

   Everyone walked in together and took the seats closest to the front.
"(Y/n)-Chwaan~, are you feeling better?" Sanji asked. "Yes of course. Thank you guys, a lot." You replied smiling.

~Time Skip~

The play finished and everyone loved it. The crew laughed as Usopp and Luffy reenacted parts from the play. Everyone walked back to the ship and climbed up.

You decided to check on Zoro so you went to the infirmary. You heard Sanji yell something from the kitchen. It wasn't directed to you so you didn't bother to ask what he said. You opened the door to the infirmary but Zoro wasn't there.

You began to worry and freaked out. "Guys!!" You yelled as you ran to the kitchen. "Zoro isn't here! We need to find-" You were cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around you. You didn't see who it was but you could tell it was Zoro. Your face buried into his chest and you wrapped your arms around his torso tightly.

"Don't scare me like that again you shit." You told him. He laughed under his breath and squeezed you tighter.

He pulled back to look at you and smiled. But his face slightly fell when he saw the tears streaming down your face. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" He asked as he cupped your face in his hands and wiped a tear away with his thumb.

"I'm so sorry Zoro!" You said as you threw yourself at him hugging him tightly and sobbed into his chest. "Why are you sorry?" He asked worriedly. "I should have done something. None of this would of happened if I helped you!" You sobbed loudly as you hugged him tightly.

You calmed down a little and let him speak. "No (y/n). Your fine, you don't have to protect me. I did what I did to protect you." He said. "But you shouldn't be the only one to protect. I need to protect you to."

"(Y/n). It's okay. I survived didn't I?" He asked. You backed away from him so you could see his face and smiled at him. "Y-yeah." You replied sheepishly. Zoro smiled and hugged you one last time. "But still. I promise to protect you when you need me." You said confidently. Zoro chuckled and shook his head as to say 'okay' "Okay, And I promise to protect you as well." He said.

You both smiled brightly and nodded your heads in agreement. You decided to take Zoro out to the village the ship was docked at and buy him a few things. Him being him, all he wanted and got was sake and stuff to clean his swords.

You both also ate out at a restaurant and spent the rest of the day together. Zoro insisted in buying you another antique and you eventually gave in. You went back to the antique shop Robin and you went to and got a beautiful red piano that played an amazing melody. Yeah, turns out you actually didn't have any beli with you when Robin asked.

You both went back to the ship and headed to the kitchen to eat dinner. When you walked in the kitchen the lights were off and it was really quiet. "Hmm. I could have sworn I heard Sanji say dinner would be ready by the time we got back." You told Zoro as you walked further into the kitchen.

All of a sudden the lights flash on and the other crew members jump out. "Suprise!" They all yell. You almost had a heart attack and fell on your butt. "AHH!" You screamed as you fell. "The old fashion way eh?" Zoro asked. "Take it or leave it you damn Marimo!" Sanji said as he glared in Zoro's direction and put food on the table. Zoro helped you up and everyone sat at the table.

"So what was that all about?" You asked. "Well that is still happening. If that makes sense." Robin said. "Yeah. This is a congratulation celebration for Zoro waking up." Nami finished. "Oh." Zoro started eating and Sanji came up behind him. "Well say thank you, you pot plant." Sanji said as he hit Zoro over the head.

"Ow." Zoro complained. "Whatever. I didn't even hit you that hard." Sanji and Zoro bickered and Nami couldn't take it anymore. "Shut up! This is supposed to be nice! Now enjoy your food!" Nami yelled. You laughed at the scene and everyone ate their food happily.

   After dinner you met Zoro out on the deck. "(Y/n)." You heard him call from behind you. You turned around from watching the beautiful night sea and your ears twitched in the wind.

   "I'm so glad you're still alive." You said as you hugged him. "That's all I've been thinking about all day." You finished. "I'm glad I could protect you." He replied. "Promise me you will never put yourself in great danger just for me. I wouldn't be able to live with that." Zoro said as he looked you in the eyes seriously. "I promise. And you have to promise me that to." You told him. He smiled and nodded his head.

   "Goodnight (y/n). I love you." Zoro said as he hugged you goodnight. "Night Zoro. I love you too." You both parted and went to bed, and awaited other days to come.
(A/N): The Last Chapter! I had fun writing it. I think I did pretty well. Hope you guys enjoyed.

'Peace Our Girl Scouts'

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