Putting skills to the test

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   You agreed to join the Straw Hats. Luffy jumped around in excitement and happiness as you, Zoro, Usopp, Nami and Luffy himself made your way to the ship. "Eh, he probably would have found another way to make you join if you said no anyways." Zoro commented.

Luffy excitedly introduced you to everyone. "Oi (y/n). Let me introduce you!" He pointed towards a girl with orange hair. "That's Nami, our navigator," "Oi! Luffy! I'm not apart of your crew baka!" Nami shouted and hit him on the head. "Ooooouuccchh! That hurt Namiii." Luffy complained, rubbing his head. "The one with the big nose's name is Usopp, he can do really cool stuff with a sling shot." He said pointing towards a guy with an abnormally long nose. "He's our swordsman, Zoro." Luffy pointed towards the guy you helped earlier but he was resting up against a wall on the ship asleep. "And I am the captain!" He shouted proudly, standing with his hands on his and a huge grin on his face. You giggled slightly at his silly antics and turned back to Zoro. As you stared at Zoro you started to realize who he was. "W-Wait, do you mean 'the' Roronoa Zoro?" You asked.

   "I had no idea I was helping 'the' Roronoa Zoro get to his crew." You said.

   "I've always wanted to challenge him in a fight." Zoro was awake at that point. "You do, do you?" He asked to make sure he wasn't hearing anything out of the ordinary. "Yes. I always fight people with different amounts of swords. But they say you use the three sword style, and that you can't be beat. Considering I've fought people who use five swords, I want to test the theory on wether I can beat you or not." You said with your chin held high grinning evily. "Whoa! You have? That's so cool!" Luffy gawked over you as you said you have fought people who use the five sword style. "Yeah! Zoro! You guys can fight. But no cuts deep enough to kill. We need her on the crew."

   "Fine. Let's fight. So are you just gonna use your claws?" Zoro asked. "Yeah. It's all I've ever used." You replied confidently.

   Luffy and everyone else was on the sidelines as you and Zoro stood in the middle of the deck. Zoro was getting his swords ready and you were bringing out your claws. Your tail flicked in excitement and your ears twitched eagerly. You were about to fight 'the' Roronoa Zoro, and test wether you could beat him or not.

   You both were in fighting stances ready for Luffy to tell you when to start.

   "Fight!" Luffy shouted loud enough for you both to hear before you charged at Zoro at the speed of lightning. You were about to claw him under his collar bone but he easily deflected you with his sword. You backed away a bit to look for any weak spots. But before you could get a good look he ran towards you getting ready to stab his sword in your abdomen, but with you cat like body, you moved out of the way and ducked so the sword in his mouth wouldn't cut you. He ran past you and you could hear the other crew members cheering. You smirked with your building confidence. Get him (y/n)!" You heard Usopp shout as Nami and Luffy cheered you on. Your turned towards Zoro not taking your eyes off of him. He had a glare plastered on his face from not beating you already. "I'm almost thinking this will be as easy as all the other swordsman I've fought." You said, which made him angrier. You pounced to and over him going behind him and cutting him on his arm deeply, but not too deeply.  He grunted in pain but quickly turned towards you and put his swords where they were crossed like he was going to decapitate you.

   "Looks like I win." He said smirking with his sword in his mouth. "Your good. But not good enough to defeat me." He said taking away his swords and putting them in their places strapped to his hip. You glared at him, upset that you didn't win, and disappointed at yourself for not beating someone who used the three sword style. "Whatever. I won't be a sore loser. So." You let out a deep sigh and put out you hand. "Good fight." You said putting on a small smile. He took your hand hesitantly making sure you didn't try anything. "Good fight." He said in a low tone. "Wow! Awesome fight guys!" Luffy said coming towards the both of you. "I think I made the right decision." He said with a huge grin. "Alright guys lets set sail!" He shouted. You saw them bring up the anchor and the sail swayed gently with the wind as the ship drew away from the island.

   You sat on the edge on the deck with your legs hanging though the poles that help up the railing and where they hung off the ship. You held onto the poles and looked out to the sea. The sun was setting and you could hear Luffy in the distance complaining about how hungry he was and that we should make another stops soon.

   You got up and passed Zoro sleeping, when Luffy told you to wake him up and make him play a game with him and Usopp.

   "Aye Zoro." You said bending down and poking his side. He opened one of his eyes and looked at you confused. "What is it?" He asked in a sleepy tone. "Luffy wants to play a game and wants you to join." You said with a small smile on your face. "No." he replied bluntly "But why?" You asked, lowing your time to sound sad. "I don't play games." He replied. You sighed and stood up, you boots making a slight noise as you walked away forlornly. "Okaaayy.." you whined slightly.

   As you were eating you noticed Zoro kept glancing up at you. You started to wonder what he was looking at and decided to ask him after dinner.

   "He said he didn't want to play." You told Luffy. "Why?!" "I don't know." You replied honestly. "Let's just play already." You said getting excited as you, Luffy, and Usopp decided to play hide and seek.

   As you walked away from Zoro he just couldn't ignore the aching pain in his chest and couldn't get you off his mind. Did he like you or not? And if so, was if because of how you looked with your fighting skills? What is there not to like about you? Your personality and everything is perfect. He thought to himself.

(A/N): The second chapter of my Zoro X Reader. I couldn't wait to write it I think I did pretty well.  Hope you guys enjoyed. :3.

'Peace Out Girl Scouts'

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